I stepped into my boss's office, she looked up with a look that said,
"WhoTF are you and why are you in my office?"
I mentioned a while back that my boss at the old folks' home put in her resignation after accepting a bigger position at another senior living place. This is her final week with us. There's been some speculation about who would replace her, and the most logical choice seemed to be the current assistant boss.
The present hierarchy in our department is as such: Boss --> Assistant Boss --> Me --> the rest of the cubs in the den. To make speculation gossip all the more confusing, Boss and Assistant Boss both have the same name, let's say they're "Audrey".
So conversations have gone something like, "Is Audrey gonna replace Audrey? How does Audrey feel about it? If Audrey replaces Audrey, who will replace Audrey?"
There was a time when I thought I would want to be Assistant Boss if the opportunity arose, but lately, that feeling has waned. Not sure why, maybe it's just spring fever. Anyway, amid the speculation, I knew I would not apply for Assistant Boss should Audrey2 replace Audrey1.
yesterday, Boss started texting me, inquiring if I was interested in being Assistant Boss. I said I was open to chatting about it. We arranged to do that this morning.
I'm not working today, so I went in at our agreed meeting time when I was greeted with the aforementioned "WhoTF...?" look. Apparently, I look quite different in my everyday than I do when I'm at work?
After a moment, she finally recognized me and we had a bit of a laugh, her saying I look so different. It leaves me wondering if the "different" is good or bad, but anyway...
It turns out the Assistant Boss has, in fact, secured the Boss position. They want me to be the new Assistant Boss, so I now have a decision to make. Honestly, I've been seriously thinking about cutting my hours at the facility and picking up more tutoring jobs, as the facility work has started to feel quite mundane. But if I take the Assistant job, I will stop the tuting altogether.
I told them I'd think about it and get back to them, so that's what I'm doing. I did a little decision matrix just now and Assistant Boss won out over reduced hours + more tuting (57 points vs. 47 points). It won out mainly because the Assistant Boss work would have more substance than what I'm doing now, has more potential for growth and learning, and pays better unless I take on a LOT of tutees.
Tuting won out only for free time - which dwindles if I take on enough tutees to match the pay of the Assistant Boss - and it has a teeny tiny better commute, since I tutor online. Even a 1.5-mile commute can be a factor when there's two feet of snow.
So I think I'm gonna say yes? I mean, at least my name isn't Audrey.
And more importantly, do I look so different at work vs. not at work? I took a car selfie (something I never do because I just don't "get" car selfies) after my chat with the Audreys to juxtipose with my work look (post COVID vaccine selfie)
Okay, so I'm wearing different glasses, and I don't have on the hair thing and work polo. But I swear they're both me. In these days of mask wearing, don't we all pretty much look alike?
Must be the glasses.