Penny was snoozing in my lap. Her legs were a-twitching, and I assume she was dreaming. I wonder what she was chasing.
She's actually quite coordinated and athletic, putting her moves on Merlin when they zoom around the backyard. I'm thinking of taking her for some agility training, not that I want for her to compete, I just think she would LOVE it.
Illustration Friday was still on "dream" for the prompt, so here's Penny the power poochkin.
And speaking of cute dogs, this is Dixie. Dixie was my friend Tiffany's dog. Since Tiffany died, Dixie now lives with Tiffany's parents, and her mom posted this on fbook a couple of days ago.
It was Dixie's 13th birthday, and they were celebrating "in the manner to which she is accustomed".
And yes, that is a typical-sized cupcake. Dixie is teeny tiny - not much bigger than a guinea pig.
This morning, I enjoyed a lovely bike ride and ended up going by our city's small private liberal arts college. It's a nice campus, the college is very selective, and the students there are generally intelligent and thoughtful.
As I rode by, I noticed a bunch of t-shirts hanging, like out to dry on a clothesline.
Upon further inspection, I noticed all of the shirts had messages written on them in fabric paint. I don't think there was a specific theme. They reminded me of those Post Secret postcards. Some were
- confessions: "When my brother came out as gay, I called him a faggot, and I'll regret that for the rest of my life"
- rants: "F*cking me while I sleep is RAPE!"
- inspirations: "Don't be afraid of new beginnings..."
- etc.
What would you write on your shirt?