Anyone reading had that particular vaccine for Shingles? Recommended for us over-50 people, but known to have annoying side effects that, as I relived them, are quite similar to COVID-19 without the cough. It's given in two doses, 2 to 6 months apart. I got my first hit in early November, and set a reminder for myself four months later. Who knew we'd be in the middle of a global pandemic?
So I waited a bit for the pharmacy frenzy to die down, then headed there on Saturday to get it over with. I vaguely remember my first hit back in November and then just spending the next day mostly on the couch. So I planned to do it when I didn't have to work the day after and then thankfully spent a good portion of Sunday on the couch. The cat seemed to enjoy our time together. I was happy to rally enough to get out for a nice walk in the immune system-strengthening fresh air and sunshine. Lots of people outside doing similar.
Monday morning, I awoke as my bright-eyed and bushy-tailed self. I'm glad to be finished battling Shingrix anyway. Back to the standard battles of the day.

I have yet to try it, but it looks good. I'm thinking it packs a caffeinated punch. Anyone had it?
My manager at the hospital is a nice young guy. He was asking some of us older types if we remembered ever having to go through something similar to this COVID-19 response.
We all thought a bit, but nope. One guy said the closest he could think of was 9-11 with the shutting down of airports and everyone glued to the news for days.
Boss says, "Yeah, I remember that. I was in middle school!"
PSSSSHHHHH!! Middle school!
Today, we're at home in the new old house and joined by a plumber. The house has some issues, and this is the first of our major projects to turn the house into a well-oiled architectural machine. Sometimes it seems like we're not in the situation the world is in.
I'm thankful for running water.