
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

chickenpox and dairy free

Rolled out of bed on Sunday feeling tired, achy, a bit chillish /feverish... maybe?  I don't have THE virus, I'm 99% sure.  I finally got 'round to getting my second hit of Shingrix vaccine Saturday afternoon.

Anyone reading had that particular vaccine for Shingles?  Recommended for us over-50 people, but known to have annoying side effects that, as I relived them, are quite similar to COVID-19 without the cough.  It's given in two doses, 2 to 6 months apart.  I got my first hit in early November, and set a reminder for myself four months later. Who knew we'd be in the middle of a global pandemic?

So I waited a bit for the pharmacy frenzy to die down, then headed there on Saturday to get it over with.  I vaguely remember my first hit back in November and then just spending the next day mostly on the couch.  So I planned to do it when I didn't have to work the day after and then thankfully spent a good portion of Sunday on the couch.  The cat seemed to enjoy our time together.  I was happy to rally enough to get out for a nice walk in the immune system-strengthening fresh air and sunshine.  Lots of people outside doing similar.

Monday morning, I awoke as my bright-eyed and bushy-tailed self.  I'm glad to be finished battling Shingrix anyway.  Back to the standard battles of the day.

The hospital remains eerily quiet with no visitors and no one allowed in group areas.  Like the donation to supply free coffee to health care workers, another donation came in yesterday:  cans and cans of this stuff...

I have yet to try it, but it looks good. I'm thinking it packs a caffeinated punch.  Anyone had it?

My manager at the hospital is a nice young guy.  He was asking some of us older types if we remembered ever having to go through something similar to this COVID-19 response.

We all thought a bit, but nope.  One guy said the closest he could think of was 9-11 with the shutting down of airports and everyone glued to the news for days.

Boss says, "Yeah, I remember that.  I was in middle school!"

PSSSSHHHHH!!  Middle school!

Today, we're at home in the new old house and joined by a plumber.  The house has some issues, and this is the first of our major projects to turn the house into a well-oiled architectural machine.  Sometimes it seems like we're not in the situation the world is in.

I'm thankful for running water.


John Holton said...

I had a shingles vaccine, but I can't remember which one. I've also been vaccinated for pneumococcal pneumonia (there are two shots, the second I get next year when I turn 65).

Abby said...

John, I think Shingrix is fairly new? The pharmacist warned me that it usually packs a wallop. Still better than getting shingles...

Chatty Crone said...

I have had the shingles! Glad you got the shot!

Abby said...

Sandie, ooch, sorry! I've heard shingles is pretty awful.

ShadowRun300 said...

Our hotel is eerily quiet and no one is allowed to gather there either. But we’re still open, and I still have a job, and for that I am thankful. Not everyone in our company has been so lucky.
I’m also thankful the weather has been so nice. It’s allowed a great reprieve from the stresses of the day. A little sunshine makes everything better. :)
Glad to hear your vaccine didn’t keep you down for long! Well worth losing a day, I’m sure.
Congrats on purchasing your “new” home! Nice that you don’t have to move again. Even with very minimal stuff, it’s a tough job!

LL Cool Joe said...

I've had Shingles. God I felt ill, glad you had the shot.

We aren't even allowed workman in the house, so that's why I've become the dodgy electrician & plumber. I just hope I don't burn down the house.

Abby said...

SR300, I'm thinking of hotel stays I've had and how the "no large group gatherings" affects them. Glad you're still working!

Joey, shingles for you too? Ugh.
No one's said anything about plumbers, etc. I booked 'em fast before anyone says NO.