First of all, happy belated Memorial Day to my American friends. I'm glad we have a holiday set aside for our fallen heroes. I want to express my thanks and acknowledge that it's not about the white sales.
I happened across this story about female WWII pilots that irked me and had me looking a bit like this eagle, but at least now things are being resolved. I'm just sad that it needed resolving in the first place.
Memorial Day also serves as a sort of unofficial start to summer. Magnum and Meego were off of work and school. On Sunday, we were happily tending to some lovely yard work when a storm blew in and literally rained and hailed and lightninged and thundered on our parade.
As the storm lingered into the afternoon, I was starting to feel that familiar cabin fever. I told Magnum, "I suppose we could go check out Wolfgang's fitness center, just to appease him."
So, with that, Magnum and I set out with a purpose to our afternoon while Meego was engaged in a rousing game of Monopoly with some neighbor friends, so passed on the tour. We entered the place, told them our status, and were soon set loose to explore on our own. As we did so, I texted Wolfgang to let him know we were following up on his request, but no promises.
Everything was nice as expected - spacious workout areas, two large pools, luxurious locker rooms, yoga studios, etc. And Wolfgang was right, the outdoor pool is very inviting... as long as the weather cooperates.
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As we wandered around the machines into the free weights area, I saw a familiar back of shirt and head. I was 99% sure it was Wolfgang. He was standing near a pull-up bar as a huge person was completing several reps.
I tried to sneak up on him, but the universe delivered my text at that very moment. I saw Wolfgang pull his phone from his pocket, glance at it, and then turn around like he felt my sneakiness. So we chatted a bit about the place, about the the current level of busyness, etc. In the meantime, the huge pull-up guy dismounted with a solid landing, turned around, and said hello.
It was Dylan, one of Wolfgang's good friends from high school. Dylan attends a university out of town, but is home during the summers and breaks. He and Wolfgang are still buddies, but I haven't seen much of Dylan since they graduated high school.
If not for the fact that Wolfgang told me a couple of weeks ago about Dylan's newfound interest in body-building and that "Dylan is just huge now, and you should see how much he eats!", I honestly would not have recognized him.
Dylan's always kept pretty fit, he and Wolfgang ran track and cross-country together and regularly went to the rock climbing center. But he's always been that kind of runner/climber sinewy type of fit. Now he looks like the Incredible Hulk without the green and snarl.
We quickly left those guys to their Herculean activities and pondered (a.k.a snooped the place on the internet). In the end, we got the family account Wolfgang has been rooting for, and he is very pleased about that as it lowers his fee considerably. We brought Meego over, and he also deemed it worthy.
So now I find myself a member of a posh "gym", and I totally plan to get our money's worth. But I'm wondering how Wolfgang made it rain.