Was it any good, you ask? Heck if I know.
I just know that I SO need a chick flick now! Maybe I can get some sort of quick fix over at YouTube!
Was it any good, you ask? Heck if I know.
I just know that I SO need a chick flick now! Maybe I can get some sort of quick fix over at YouTube!
Have you any idea how ridiculously priced this stuff is?!?! (Note: We did not purchase this. It was a gift to Meego several years ago from my I-can-buy-love father-in-law).
Anyway, so the tote housing the zoo was unearthed from beneath layers of other misfit toys. I can't remember the last time the thing was even out in the fresh air. I told Meego that he could probably get a lot of cash for it. I could see the "CHA-CHING!" gears a-grinding in his brain.
But first, he'd have to set it up all pretty like so I could take a photo of it. That was the downfall
It's still there. Not wanting to sell Just Yet, on second thought...
What's in your closet?
I snapped this photo of them after the thing had passed. They're doing their you-call-this-a-storm?! walk back to the house after venturing out into the prior violence. I mainly took it because I had no picture of the week for this post, so lame as it is, it's all I've got. I think Wolfgang is saying, "Don't post that on facebook!" He never said anything about the blog. tee hee.
I remember campouts with friends in high school. I never went to any organized "summer camp" thing as a kid, but really, no one in my hometown that I know of did. We didn't even think of it as an option, really. But it was a little podunk town surrounded by lots of boonies, so we took advantage of all those boonies, often heading out after our jobs of catering to obnoxious tourists, to go out and drown our sorrows around a fire.
True close relationships are formed from a recipe of beer and campfire.
And, don't fret (I know many are!). I WILL write of my exciting summer at band camp. Promise.
Exhibit A
And speaking of the back yard, note the non-jungle look. Yes, I did manage to find an agreeable weed whacker that sent Wolfgang a-whacking like a wild one! It did the job, he got a power tool fix, and we can now navigate through to the back gate. I am, however, still searching for Tarzan. I know he's back there somewhere.
Wolfgang sold two airsoft guns recently. I could hardly believe the price of those things when he bought them. Now that he's sold them, I can hardly believe the price that people are willing to pay for used airsoft guns. He's managing his money wisely, decided that he wasn't that much into airsoft, and sold these for a decent wad of cash.
I had an absolutely lovely bike ride this morning, without the morbidly large number of dead birds that I experienced last saturday morning. That's nice...
Well, I couldn't go breaking out the electronics and spoil it for everyone else now, could I?
And speaking of blogging, I don't spend a whole lot of time on facebook either, but doncha just love when you get a friend request from some long lost chum? Granted, I get some friend requests that I can take or leave (present company excepted OF COURSE), but today I got a COOL one from an old high school friend I just lost track of over the years.
Work's been busy but fun. Best wishes to all my students taking the LSAT tomorrow!