
Sunday, August 11, 2024

we're here

Yesterday, Magnum and I were partaking of an old folk's walk, when he said, "We should go somewhere tomorrow", implying an eating establishment perhaps. 

Now, we rarely go out for meals - go on plenty of coffee excursions, maybe throw in a bagel or such - but going out for an actual meal usually involves our kids as well. So I thought for a moment, and responded, "why?"

"It's our anniversary", he smirked.

"OH, heh. I knew that!", I quickly responded, pulling up the calendar in my head.

I do know the DATE of our anniversary, I just hadn't realized it was here already. August?! Wasn't it just May??

As is probably obvious at this point, we don't make a big do on our anniversary. I think of it in the way Vince Lombardi (I think) didn't like touchdown celebrations because he wanted his players to be all, "of course we scored, it's inevitable. Chill out".

Actually, I think the quote is "Act like you've been there before", but that might not carry the same meaning when applied to a wedding anniversary. *AHEM*

Anyway, here we were back then.

Coupla kids signing our lives away.

The wedding was in a little church in my little hometown. We did the traditional things - the flowers, the cake, the white dress, etc. 

The date itself was not particularly "special". As for many, I assume, it was a day on the calendar when the important people were free of other obligations and available to be in the little hometown, and the venue was available.

And *poof* here we are 34 years later.

So yes, we've been here before. It's inevitable, we planned it that way.chill out. ❤️

We did partake of a lovely bicycle ride this morning. I will miss these perfect mornings when we are in the thick of frozen winter. 

We stopped downtown for a coffee break - doesn't count as "go someplace" yet - it was relatively quiet. University students are starting to arrive for the fall semester. Freshmen start moving into their dorms tomorrow.

We sat near a window of the coffee shop and watched as police people walked around, investigating. There was a shooting nearby last night - one dead, one injured. A suspect has not yet been caught. 

We have a pleasant, typically wholesome, downtown area. But sadly, we also have our share of thugs.


John Holton said...

Happy anniversary!

Abby said...

Thanks, John!

Linda Sue said...

Have a great dinner where ever you go. Eat cake, drink wine, get silly! Marriage is all about it!
You darling kids!!!

Herb said...

Congratulations! 34 years is a good job.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love that he remembered! Your day sounds peaceful.

Liz Hinds said...

Aw, what a beautiful bride! Congratulations. We don't celebrate our anniversary much, usually we'll go for a meal but that's because we like ging for meals but do so rarely.

Allstarme79 said...

Sorry I missed reading ON the day but happy belated anniversary!

Fresca said...

"Act like you've been there before"--ha! I love it. Reminds me of a line in the movie "ARoom with a View":
"I have met the type before." The older I get, the truer that all is too.
Happy Anniversary---what a lovely couple you were (and no doubt are!).