
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

hooky day

I have an atypical Tuesday off today. The college is having an "in-service" gathering - sort of a pep rally to incite excitement for the beginning of fall semester next Monday.  And since we're currently between semesters, the tutor calendar is empty empty.

Full timers are "expected" to attend, part-timers can if we want to, but are not obligated. Suffice to say, none of us part-timers are at the in-service. They tried to entice us with "There'll be food! You'll get paid!", but they lost us at "You hafta stay all day".

We're part-timers for a reason.

I'm sure Boss and Assistant Boss will give us the CliffsNotes. Besides, I'm working all the rest of the week, including Saturday. Star is going on another of her adventures, so I'm filling in for her while also covering for the ready-to-give-birth-any-day Kitty.

As predicted, we got our few glorious days of cold and damp late last week. I, for one, was not climatized and had to break out a fleece.

The sun and heat are back, but not as full on as it was. I sketched this fire ant in response.

I'm at the library under the guise of, "I need to return a book", but really, I just wanted to indulge in a bike ride. 

I dunno, I feel a bit guilty doodling in a sketchbook and going for a joyride on a weekday.

But it beats obligingly attending an in-service for the food and hourly wage.


John Holton said...

Those meetings are always a pain in the rear end.

Abby said...

John, so true. It would take more than food and eight hour's pay to get us there.

Allstarme79 said...

I skipped an adjunct welcome-back Monday so I could stay home and make dinner for the kids on their first day of school. I didn't feel a lick of guilt about it.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, excellent choice!

Liz Hinds said...

Always beats an optional work day!

Fresca said...

Very excellent ant! What media (pencil brand?) do you use?

Bohemian said...

Well, it is a very Fine Ant... and Meetings of any kind always bored the Life out of me.

Abby said...

Liz, they should know not to make things "optional"

Fresca, good ol' Prismacolor! 24-pack 😊

Bohemian, meetings can sometimes be productive. The writing was on the wall for this one.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

that's retirement, feeling guilty doing whatever on a work day. Then you enter a phase of never knowing what day it is and being so confused. But it sure beats 9-5p