
Saturday, August 24, 2024

post, parade, party

The good news: we have a new mailbox - whoo hoo

The not as good: we have to go to the post office to get our key to the new mailbox.

Oh well, gives purpose to our Saturday. Our mailbox is one of those multi-boxes for about 12 homes on the block. The old one crapped out - or was tampered with? - and had to be replaced. So looks like we'll go on a walk with the post office as the destination. This is what we've become?

Classes started this week at the college, and things got busy! My tutor schedule is already nearly filled. I'm not sure if that's because more students are requesting tutors or if we have fewer math tutors than last year, but I like it!

Recall that my campus tutor boss abruptly resigned mid-spring semester. We flailed about to finish out the semester then managed to limp along over the summer semester. We did have coordinators at the other campuses as a safety net, but the coordinator position for our campus has finally been filled. I have yet to meet her, but clearly, she knows of my existence.

[Tour de Fat] is today. It's a rambunctious time at a local brewery - that same brewery that hosts the outdoor spin classes I came upon last weekend. From the website, Tour de Fat is...

"a costumed bicycle parade followed by a party at New Belgium Brewing with music, entertainment, contests and games"


Yeah, I suppose that sums it up nicely.  Magnum and I checked it out a couple of years ago. Lots of fun for everyone. I bet we'll see costumes while out and about today, but we don't have plans to get into the thick of it. I don't have a costume or a weird bicycle. 

The post office will have to do. We'll try to make it weird.


Liz Hinds said...

The mailbox is not something you see much of here. Our post comes through the letterbox.

Chatty Crone said...

Good way to think ab out getting your key - talking a walk. Glad your schedule is full too!

Abby said...

Liz, I'm a bit jealous, but really, we get so few mail pieces of any importance these days. A lot of pizza flyers.

Chatty, it was an enjoyable walk. The keys all work, and I got our first junk mail in the new box 🙄

The Happy Whisk said...

That's fun that they wear costumes! Glad you're gonna enjoy your students. Sounds like a good kick-off.

Linda Sue said...

You could have just worn your usual and put a sign on your helmet- "Weird costume"

School- no, too sooooon!

Abby said...

Happy Whisk, the costumes are really too fun!

Linda Sue, right? Who isn't weird?
The nearby high school hosted a football game last night. HS football in August?!

The Happy Whisk said...
