
Sunday, August 25, 2024

missives and abandonment

Operation go-get-the-new-mailbox-key was a success. Too exciting, right?

Honestly, though, the process was a bit disconcerting. I'll backtrack a bit.

Earlier in the week, there was a note taped to the mailbox explaining that our mail couldn't be delivered, and that the mailbox would be replaced "soon".

Okay, fine. Actually, I was somewhat surprised at how quickly the new mailbox was installed - all shiny and with a new note taped to it:

Our exuberant mail carrier seems to be very happy for us in their correspondence. Three exclamation points!!!

As mentioned, therefore, Magnum and I made the post office our destination for our old folk's walk yesterday, with the added stress of needing to get there before the post office closed on a Saturday. The suspense, right?!

It's about a 2-mile enjoyable trek, and we arrived with plenty of time to spare. 

I stated our purpose for being there, gave the postal person our last name and confirmed the street we lived on.

She left to rummage around in the bowels of the post office for a bit, eventually emerging with three shiny, new keys .

"Here ya go!", she said with a smile while handing over the treasure.

I gave a cordial, "Uh, thanks", and we were outta there. She NEVER asked for any form of ID - as the highly secure correspondence noted would be required.

Should I be concerned?
Eh, I didn't feel like calling her on it. We get so little physical mail of any importance, going as paperless as we can. 

I tested the keys - all three work fine - extracted a pile of junk mail, and we're back in business.

In other excitement, I took delightful morning bike ride today. I ended up near the [Tour de Fat] brewery to see the aftermath. Aw, this poor bicycle left behind - decorations wilting

A little further away, I came across these abandoned reveler bicycles as well

Most likely, the owners felt too inebriated to ride off into the sunset, and left their bicycles to be picked up in a more sober fashion. Seems another successful Tour de Fat for the books.


Chris said...

Yes, I suppose any one could get your mail if she gave out keys with out checking who wanted them.

Bohemian said...

I never liked the Community Mailbox that we had to walk down to and need Keys for. We had that at the McManse, as, all Subdivision Hells receive their Mail like Apartment Complexes do now. In Historic and Vintage Neighborhoods we still get our Mail the Old Fashioned way, I Love it and prefer it, tho', it is more Work for the Mailperson to deliver it House to House or even up to your actual Door.

Allstarme79 said...

The bike/brewery thing looks interesting. I have never drank while biking or any time around biking. Though, fair to say, during RAGBRAI, that is apparently a thing and since my husband cannot stop researching that dumb thing, we've talked a lot about what it will be like to roll into a town, have a beer, then get back on the road. Probably weird.

The Happy Whisk said...

Very cool that you had a good walk with your honey bunny.