
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

mystery machine

I walked out of work today, and there was a helicopter hovering above the campus. I honestly didn't think much of it, didn't even look up, because helicopters are a thing. It's fire season, it's HVAC installation season. 

So I went about doing what I'd planned to do, which was eat a sandwich at the student center. I came back out about 20 minutes later to head home, and the helicopter was still there. This time, I looked up to see it hovering, just hovering above campus. Weird.

I fiddled getting my bicycle unlocked and got my act together. The whole time, the helicopter remained in one spot, pointed in one direction. I figured if there was a dangerous armed fugitive in the area, we'd have been put on lockdown, which we weren't, so I was outta there.

Once at home, I checked my main sources for local news: reddit and facebook. We don't really have a local up-to-date news source, and I don't have a twitter X account, so those would have to do. All I learned was that there'd been a bomb threat at a nearby transit center (bus station). Who / why threaten to bomb a bus station?

Otherwise an uneventful ride home. 

I played with my new pen. I've always liked comic book drawing style, even though I've never been that interested in the comics themselves. I recall "studying" the style in the Sunday funny pages when I was a kid. Now I'm kind of an old lady, and still appreciate it.

So I drew this chibi (short and stubby with a big face) version of Black Widow. I know nothing of her origin story, or her current story for that matter.

She's part of Marvel Comics, but I only know that because I looked it up. 

In other news, we Coloradoans are anticipating a coming cold front. Highs in the 70s, and rain for a couple of days. Sounds glorious. I don't mean to complain but, I am rather sick of the heat.


Linda Sue said...

Chibi is fabie . I used to draw from cartoons , too, but the cartoons were really dumb- that is why I can not draw from life figures, they always look cartoony. My world is cartoony.
A bomb threat at the bus station sounds like the title of a mediocre thriller.

Fresca said...

Kawaii! 😀

Chatty Crone said...

Glad your area was safe.
I love your drawing of the Black Widow.
Can you send a cool wave here to HOTATLANTA!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, now I'm curious to know if you've ever taken a life drawing class. I did once, but the models were fully clothed 🫤

Fresca, I just recently learned the term "chibi", and now I've learned "kawaii" from you!

Chatty, I'm guessing hot Atlanta is more uncomfortable in summer than we are. I've watched Walking Dead! Wish I could send some cool waves.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Chibi, so that's what I am to be called. Short and stubby :-)

Liz Hinds said...

WE could do with some of your heat! Currently rainy and grey and miserable.
Interestingly, last week, I bought a couple of How to Draw Kawaii books for my grandchildren to use on visits here. I'd never heard of it before. They make it look very simple but I suspect the reality is a bit harder! You have great natural talent.

Abby said...

Peggy, okay that made me lol!

Liz, we've made it to rainy and grey and it's wonderful misery!
Ooh, fun for the grandkids.