
Friday, August 2, 2024

ridin' in your car, you turn on the radio

 I was on a walk with Pooch Penny last evening. Snapped this pic of the sun. We can't usually look directly at the sun here without burning our eyeballs, so I took advantage of the conditions. There's fire in them thar hills.

The latest on the Alexander Mountain Fire has that it's approaching 10,000 acres and has destroyed 24 structures. Another summer in Colorado. This fire is mostly in the boonies, and is typical and "healthy" in a natural sense. Still tragic for people who own property there.

We had a supervisor from a different campus come to learn from us at work on Monday when this fire first broke out. She'd lost her home in the Marshall fire - an  UNnatural, UNhealthy occurrence - the same [fire that destroyed my brother, Hagrid's home]

"That smoke plume is giving me some PTSD", she commented, only half jokingly.

In other, totally unrelated news, I bought some drawing pens that I'm chomping to play with. One thing about traditional (as opposed to digital) drawing as a hobby is that it's so darn inexpensive cheap. I saw someone drawing with this pen while I boredly scrolled instagram recently and determined that I "had" to have it.

But truly, the pen is nothing particularly special. It's just nice for drawing. In fact, it is so unspecial, that I couldn't buy just one. I had to buy a 5-pack for a whopping $8. Jeff Bezos had them delivered to my house for free after I bought some other stuff.

So I'll draw something later for playtime. Now, I'll go tutor. Do the left brain thing, the responsible thing, the people-will-pay-money-for thing. 


Liz Hinds said...

Wow! That is some fire. Sad for the property owners but you say it's natural so that's good.

Chatty Crone said...

It that connected to the ongoing fire in CA some how? I doubt it. Just another tragedy.

Abby said...

Liz, it's actually a relatively "small" wildfire. Early days, though, and hopefully it stays that way.

Chatty, no, not connected. Wildfires are scary, but pretty common.

Fresca said...

“oo-Oooh, fire”

I was at the art institute this Saturday afternoon and thought of your last post wondering about making rain when I saw a ritual iron wand used by a rainmaker in Nigeria (early 1900s). It looks very awesome with snakey lightning!

Drawing tools are the next best magic tools

Allstarme79 said...

I used to love drawing and sometimes try my hand at it again - ha ha - and nothing ever comes out. I guess I should buy some pens and just... go for it.

Abby said...

Fresca, that Nigerian rainmaker is impressive to look at. I wonder if it works!

Allstarme79, get you some pens - cheap entertainment!