
Friday, July 12, 2024

tooth or consequences

I had a checkup at the dentist this week. Recall that I'd scheduled it for about a month ago, but got a call that the substitute hygienist broke her shoulder. No cleaning for me.

Regular hygienist is still away on vacation, sub hygienist is still recovering, so it was the good dentist himself who cleaned my teeth. Seemed a bit strange to have the big chief doing the scraping, but he's actually very personable and humble. He did a good jack-of-all-trades job. 

The office recently got a 3D scanner, so the thing spun around my head a bit. After my cleaning, the good doctor summoned me to see my scans. It was like being asked to report to the principal's office.

"Do you have trouble with your sinus?"

Ohmigosh yes.

"Yeah, cuz you don't have any bone there", pointing to the image of the obvious hole in my head. There is a tunnel between my mouth and my left maxillary sinus, from where a tooth used to be.

Honestly, it wasn't anything I didn't already know. Flashback to 2019 when I battled with  a bum tooth - #14 for those in the know.

It ended with a gruesome extraction after a failed attempt to save it.

I didn't even care to try to save it, and was ultimately glad to just be rid of the thing. And it continues to haunt me from the grave. When the oral surgeon extracted the tooth, he had to go up into my sinus to get all of it, thus forming the aforementioned "tunnel". I recall it feeling so weird, like my whole face was open to the air. 

In the few days that followed, mucus from my sinus would trickle into my mouth through the tooth hole. ICK! TMI!

The gum eventually healed over, but the bone never reformed. Denist says I "need" a bone graft. I say, "eh". Really, it hardly bothers me. There's got to be other people walking around with similar holes in their heads, right?

In other news, my weather tab says it's 102 degrees outside but feels like 106. Is there much difference at that point? Relative humidity is 5% - a dry heat it is!

It's my turn to work the Saturday rotation tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the A/C.


Linda Sue said...

Holy cow that is some wicked tooth stuff right there. I would get the bone graft while you are still young enough to handle the surgery and healing- Your old lady self will thank you! Believe me- age is not a friend!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, your advice is kinda what the dentist said - do it while I'm not an old lady. Clock's ticking.

Chatty Crone said...

We take our teeth for granted until there is a problem in one - it can be really rough.
So, what are you going to do - I read Linda Sue's answer and I kind of agree.

Abby said...

Chatty, the dentist referred me to an oral surgeon with whom I'll probably eventually consult. Meanwhile, I'm consulting with Dr. Google.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Yikes, that does not sound pleasant!! Are you doing the bone graft?
As for the heat index telling you it feels like 106. Why do they do that? When I lived up north they did it for cold. Yes, its 12 degrees I don't need to know how cold it feels I feel it. Now I'm in the south where every day it's in the 100s. I don't need to hear that 106 feels like 112. I know, my body doesn't like it. My grass is brown. Is it winter yet? Ok jumping off my soap box now.

Abby said...

Peggy, I'll probably do the bone graft, but want to see what the oral surgeon says, and I need to find out how much it'll cost out of pocket. Fun times.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh my golly gosh! I am shuddering just imagining that treatment!

Abby said...

Liz, me too a little bit. It's why I'm wondering if I can just "let it ride".