
Sunday, July 7, 2024

might as well be walking on the sun

Welp, we're back from our little vacay. And I'd like to thank all who offered suggestions on what to get Boss/ Cat Sitter. All great suggestions, and "something edible" was clearly popular.

I've decided to get him a gift card from a local [popular deli/ bakery] that I know he likes for their delicioso sandwiches and pies. In fact, I was going to get it today, but learned they're closed on Sundays. 

And I drew this cat to make a card to "wrap" the gift card because Boss actually likes cutesy animal drawings.

Napolion was well fed and well watered upon our return late last night, although seemingly a bit pissed off that we'd left. 

He took his time giving us the what for, but I think all is forgiven for now.

Where were we, you ask? 
We were in lovely Pasadena, CA for the gathering of Magnum's side of the family. My Father-in-law will be 90 years old in a couple of months, so we celebrated that feat. Step-mother-in-law also turns 80 around the same time, so it was a double round birthday celebration.

We spent time with lots of extended family. If I took a moment, I could report a full count, but I'm feeling lazy. Suffice to say there were 4 generations represented. 

We arrived Wednesday evening and got back late last night. The long weekend included lots of food, lots of sun, Rose Bowl fireworks, and culminated in the birthday brunch at the [Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden] - magical place!

Sadly, but maybe not surprisingly, the gathering also include a few revelers getting the crud we all know as covid. By the time Brunch time rolled around, attendance had diminished somewhat, but the party went on, and hopefully, FIL and MIL (or anyone else) will not succumb.

I did not take one photo of the brunch venue because I'm lame that way any photos I'd have gotten wouldn't have done it justice anyway. One of my step-neice-in-law's (?  sis-in-law's second husband's daughter) played the role of official photographer, so I imagine photos will be shared shortly.

Aside from scheduled big gathering events, Friday was a free agenda day. Our brood decided to get an authentic California experience and hit the beach. We went to Santa Monica, mingled along the pier, ate some seafood, got covered in sand...

Lame photography skills here...

It was overcast for most of the morning, which made for easy beach parking and cool temperatures - so no complaints from us Colorado people - especially myself - who rarely see the ocean. I counted, I've seen it only four times - 3 Pacific, 1 Atlantic - in almost 60 years.

Eventually the clouds parted, and we all got sunburned despite sunscreening. As it should be.

So now we're back, and I'm getting caught up on reading blogs, doing laundry, and sleeping. Back to work tomorrow. whoop.


Liz Hinds said...

Sounds like a lovely occasion! (I say that but I used to hate family gatherings with the in-laws but you're probably nicer than me.)
You've only seen the ocean four times? I can't imagine it.
Glad Napolion has forgiven you now.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Sounds great. I for one, would prefer the cloudy day! Glad no shark encounters.
I do recall after leaving our dog that when we returned we got the "cold shoulder" Oooh she was not happy. It would make us laugh though.
We had 106 degrees one day and that was not with the heat index. I don't think I'll be going outside until November. :-)

Abby said...

Liz, to be honest, I "tolerate" gatherings with the in-laws - and lucky me, I have two full sets of them! Plus, I prefer smaller get togethers over these big reunion type things. But it was nice spending time with our kids captive in one place 😊.

Peggy, the cat will get over it. The beach turned out to be a good choice that day. It was HOT out everywhere else.

Chatty Crone said...

Your kitty drawing was soooooooooo good and so cute.
Happy birthday to your In Laws - How nice.
Sounds like you had a nice trip. Got to see the beach and everything!

Abby said...

Chatty, thanks! Seeing the ocean again was a win. There were a few tough souls, including little kids, working on their surfing skills despite the cooler temps. It looked both exciting and terrifying to me.

Jeanette said...

Looks like a great trip! I've only seen the Atlantic and only about 5 times. Never been to the Pacific!

Abby said...

Jeanette, being in a land locked state, it's always fun to see a body of water where there is no other side!

Bohemian said...

I now have Beach Envy! So, Cali is having a lot of The Rona going around again? Ten down with it in one extended Family seems like a lot.