
Sunday, July 14, 2024

how they know me

Regarding our trip to Pasadena over 4th of July weekend for a family gathering - it was the first time I'd traveled by air in 23 years.

It's not like I'd purposely avoided it. After we'd had the kids and I was a stay-at-home-mom, we didn't do a whole lot of traveling other than yearly road trips. Particularly after we moved to Colorado, where most of both my and Magnum's extended family lives, there just weren't that many occasions - or casual income - to fly. 

The last time I'd been on an airplane was just before 9-11. How's that for timing? I took baby Meego to Colorado to visit my parents. 

Now Meego's a grown adult and flies when he pleases without me. Remember when he and his friends had a college graduation party? And they broke out the shot ski? And my kids were [all up in my business, coaching me on doing ONE shot]?

I mean, I get it. I left my profession before Meego was even born. The kids mainly know the stay-at-home-mom version of me, where my function was "laundry and stuff" to quote Arthur the Aardvark's little sister D.W.  They know me as someone who can quote Arthur the Aardvark, not someone who air travels and imbibes much alcohol.

But prior to that, my life was much different. I was gainfully employed as a corporate working girl, drank alcohol on occasion, schlepped around airports for both business and recreation... 

I loved my corporate working girl life, I loved being a stay-at-home-mom. Same person, different seasons. 

So this month, there was a bit of "YOU're gonna fly? On a plane?!?".  

Migosh, I'm not Laura freakin' Ingalls.

Yes, I flew on a commercial airline. It wasn't much different than I remember from the "old days", other than beefed up airport security. On a side note, we used to joke that if/ when I did fly after 9-11, I would be flagged and stripped searched because there just so happens to be a known domestic terrorist who shares my maiden name. 

But that's another story, and she has most likely changed her name anyway.

I snagged one of the pics from the gathering - everyone except for 10 or so covid casualties

Our return flight was surprisingly light - 38 passengers for 143 seats. "Take the whole row. If someone sits next to you, ask them 'why?'". I grabbed a photo of my big ol' personal row

So THAT was different. I commented to Wolfang how comfy that was, having the whole row.

"You never fly, then you do and get that. There are people who fly all the time, and will never have that experience!", He pointed out.

See, I know what I'm doing.


Liz Hinds said...

What a lovely family picture to treasure. You were lucky getting a row to yourself.

Abby said...

Liz, it was nice family time - particularly for the two birthday "kids". I'm glad it happened despite the few who got covid. The empty plane trip back was icing on the cake.

John Holton said...

Most flights anymore are so crowded they have people hanging onto straps like they're riding the subway...

Abby said...

John, I was actually a bit surprised that we weren't squished on to another flight. No complaints!

Allstarme79 said...

I hate flying and just did it again this year; seems to be a yearly thing for us now. It's awful but I made it through.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I wouldn't say I hate flying, but I certainly didn't miss it over those 23 years. Glad you made it through!

Chatty Crone said...

I have flown quite a bit but I have never been able to take an extra seat - that was amazing.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Great photo.
I no longer enjoy flying and I used to fly a few times a week. It's not the same to me anymore. But if i had a full row to myself, well....

Bohemian said...

I haven't flown in Years either, probably a longer stretch than you had. But, I never liked it and so even tho' I don't drink... for a flight, I HAD to in order to have Courage to. I don't like Heights and have Vertigo, not fond of confined Spaces, so, I'd rather have another option. *LOL* Found your Blog via Blog Friend Shirley. I too enjoyed my Corporate Lives and then my Stay At Home Lives, each has it's merits and Memories. And, it's always funny how our Young People view us, isn't it? So much about us they don't know or never saw or remember, perhaps that's a Good Thing?! *bwahahahaha* I got a Reputation to preserve as my Legacy after all. *winks*

Abby said...

Chatty, I almost want to take another long hiatus or stop flying altogether, to end on that note.

Peggy, flying used to be kind of exciting, but not so much anymore.

Bohemian, welcome from Shirley's! I've heard that we never really know our kids or our parents the way "the rest of the world" knows them. Seems true.