
Friday, July 19, 2024

weekend mash up

From the time we start going to school, I think we become conditioned to school days vs. summer days. Once we've gone past July 4th, I feel like we've passed the halfway point of summer, and I start looking ahead to the next thing. But I'm trying to just enjoy the summer "daze".

Our California vacation helped. It really is good to get away from the same old same old and get a change of place. Now that we've been back, I'm feeling a bit restless, like summer's running out.

  • Work at the testing center has been slow, as it tends to be in summer. During spring and fall semesters, we have a pretty steady stream of roughly 50% student tests, 50% professional tests. Summertime brings hardly any student tests - averaging about 1 per day. Unlike last summer, we are now fully staffed, and it feels like we comically step all over each other when something needs to be done. Someone often goes home early.

  • On that note, the college DEI department introduced a "summer reading program" at the end of the spring semester. They provided a list of about 5 books for interested people to rank in order of interest. The survey was to determine 1 or 2 books to be read and discussed. 

I completed the survey, then heard a whole lot of nothing afterward. THIS week, we finally get the word that two books have been chosen, and looks like it will be a fall reading discussion. Oh great, just when things get busy :P .

But oh well, a free book's a free book, so I picked up my copy of [Different not Less]. Seems useful so far. 

The book should be useful for tutoring too. I'd say my most challenging tutees are the ones with unchecked ADHD *give me patience*

  • And on that note, I've ended up with 3 college tutees and 1 high school tutee this summer, all very pleasant. A couple of them are REALLY lacking and should probably retake the prerequisite course, but God love 'em, they try.

  • I've almost got my running back to where I was before being befallen with a bum foot followed by a foray into physical therapy. Back to where I was was still trying to get my stamina back after covid two years ago, but it's not awful. I'm glad to be chugging along. 

I also acknowledge that I've aged two more years since then, so I'll take what I can get.

I'm typing this at the downtown library. Just had to get outta the house - that restlessness. Strange mix of cute kids and unhoused adults at the downtown library... 


Chatty Crone said...

Not sure that book would be for me.
Glad you are able to run again! Keep it up!

Abby said...

Chatty, Thanks, holding up so far!
I've started reading the book. It's mostly autobiographical, about the author's struggles growing up on the autism spectrum. I know we have ASD students at the college, but it's often not obvious right away.

Liz Hinds said...

It must be the children who don't want to try that are really difficult for you.
Not my sort of reading choice but I'm sure it will be helpful.

Abby said...

Liz, there are always those tutees for whom I wonder, "do you even go to class?" like one hour a week with a tutor will catch them up 🙄.
So far, the book is kind of useful. I likely wouldn't be interested if it wasn't a work "assignment".

Allstarme79 said...

That's good you're back to running. I have this weird pain on the top of my foot but it's not so bad I can't actually perform. So there's that.