
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

summer daze

I was out running this morning. It's getting noticeably hot, and we're expected to hit close to 90 F tomorrow, I think. Anyway, I was out there while it was still relatively cool, determining that the top I wore was not as cool as I'd hoped.

My phone rang and I had a sneaking suspicion it was Boss calling. Sure enough, we're a bit short staffed today, could I come in (on my day off)? Yeah, why not. These are the lazy days of summer. So I'll go in later this afternoon.

Assistant Boss, Mango, has taken a lot of sick days, today included. We've had our suspicions that maybe she's slacking, but I do think her symptoms are legit. Monday, she had a couple of "appointments" that I hope are to investigate her health issues. 

I'm no professional, but I suspect she may have undiagnosed endometriosis - or maybe it's diagnosed already.

Speaking of "female issues", I've worked a bit more with Kitty now that she's transferred and works primarily at our campus. Recall that she's pregnant, due in late August. She'd rightfully earned the reputation as a slacker, and continues to demonstrate that level of work ethic.

On one hand, I kinda like how "easy going" she is and just know that I will be carrying most of the load when working with her. She just goes with the flow and will be shotgunned wedded to her baby daddy in a couple of weeks.

I was asking about her upcoming nuptials, and she forwarded me an invitation, so now I guess I'm invited?

 It's a little confusing to me. She's late 30's, with a degree from a decent university, but hasn't done much career-wise. Now she's starting a family. Part of me wonders if marriage and motherhood will jump start the adulting... but I have a tough time seeing that happen.

Not my biz, and maybe since I'm used to working with goal-oriented college students, Kitty's go-with-the-flow vibe feels strange.

On that go-with-the-flow note, although it's been dry recently, we did have some uncharacteristic humidity a while back. I got out my sketchbook and pens.

This owl. My spirit animal?

My hair in humidity.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I love this pic of an owl. Your hair in humidity? Just the opposite of mine. Mine becomes flat and sticks to my head. I'll trade ya. :-)
Something tells me the slacker will be no different with a baby. In her 30s and well, she is who she is.

Abby said...

Peggy, you're likely right about Kitty.
Rain... and frizz... in the forecast.

Linda Sue said...

OWL so excellent- I gave "them" a kiss on the screen!
You are good to help on your dAY OFF, MAY AS WELL I SUPPOSE- CAN[T DANCE IN THE HEAT! OOPS finger slipped onto caps lock, not shouting...

Chatty Crone said...

Sorry you have the slackers there.
I love the owl and my hair would and does do what your hair does!
You are hotter there than GA!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, Frizzy Owl is blushing๐Ÿ˜Š. Thanks for not shouting ;)

Chatty, it is hot right now. Going in to work was actually quite nice since there's AC.

Allstarme79 said...

Indeed interesting that that woman is just now starting to, or trying to, get it together. Everyone has their own path. I love owls; I feel sort of kindred to them but can't figure out why. Mine has been distinctly absent from the yard lately; perhaps the heat.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I'm thinking we can at least rule out Kitty from becoming a helicopter mom (but ya never know)
Owls are very cool - all types ๐Ÿ˜Š

Liz Hinds said...

My hair too! Your boss is lucky you're amenable and easy-going.

Liz Hinds said...

Abby, I've used your owl on my blog to talk about frizzy hair. Hope that's okay.

Abby said...

Liz, we've got more frizz-fest going on today with thunderstorms in the forecast. No worries on using the drawing, thanks for the plug ๐Ÿ˜Š

Danielle L Zecher said...

I wouldn't count on Kitty being less of a slacker after the baby. It seems like people like that don't change.

The owl is so cute! I'm a little jealous; my hair seems to go from limp to extra limp.