
Friday, May 31, 2024

a Friday five

  • Because of Memorial Day Monday, I only worked two days this week. I normally have Wednesdays and Fridays off and there is no tutoring happening until next week. Not complaining as I got caught up on a few housekeepery things and enjoyed some nice weather time.
  • In the meantime, [PEO]'s keeping me pretty busy. State convention is coming up. I'm not a delegate but got talked into helping out on one of the days since convention is nearby.
  • We ended up taking our pooch Merlin to the vet as his symptoms from last week weren't really improving. Vet "gave" him (sold us) some special food that has helped and ran some tests. His bloodwork came back, and Vet says, "this could likely be from an infection or a type of cancer".

Sheesh, talk about two ends of a spectrum. For now, we're treating it as an infection and will watch and wait. Merlin seems like his old self, and hopefully that holds.

  • I don't like wearing sunscreen, yet I live in a place with lots of sun and lots of cases of melanoma. As such, I often wear these moisture wicking long-sleeved tops when I'm outdoors on hot days. 

I got a couple from yamazon that include these thumbholes. 

Made for short-armed people, I suppose. Thumbholes miles away from my thumbs. Oh well, I don't usually use thumbholes anyway.

  • I kind of want to see [Furiosa] in the theater. The movie  didn't do so well in the box office for opening weekend, however. We saw the last Mad Max movie, [Fury Road], in the theater. 

I went in expecting some macho testosterone shoot-em-up, but I found it surprisingly good - wonderfully artistic, with an epic soundtrack, not to mention... Tom Hardy.


Linda Sue said...

I thought it was just me and the thumb hole thing- Danged uncomfortable!!
PEO is a really good kind of busy!

Chatty Crone said...

I hope your pooch is okay. When we lost ours it really hurt! Hugs.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, I have a couple of tops where the thumbholes actually reach. I end up folding the cuffs - annoying things.

Chatty, Thanks. Losing them is the worst part of having them.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I have short arms and must push up all sleeves or hem them. So apparently this is for those of us with short arms. :-)
Here is something odd - well I am odd you know that.
If I wear sunscreen I will get very burned. It could be a 70 or 100. Doesn't matter. If I don't wear sunscreen I don't even get tan let alone burned. So what would you do?
I opt for no sunscreen. Rick who loads up on a ton of sunscreen got melanoma. Me, never use it, nada.
I feel like there is somethin' to that.Or just chalk it up to me being a weirdo.

Liz Hinds said...

ooh, Tom Hardy. I do hope your dog is okay. What a worry.

Abby said...

Peggy, that is so WEIRD. Sunscreen makes you burn? Kind of ironic that the sleeves would actually work for you.
I had a dermatologist remind me to put sunscreen on the backs of my hands because people so often forget to.

Liz, thanks. Merlin seems fine at the moment. Dogs.

Allstarme79 said...

Fury Road was better than Furiosa, in my opinion. We did see it in the theater and there were some action scenes worth it on the big screen. Sorry about your dog; that's always stressful.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I'm still on the fence about Furiosa. The extended trailer isn't very enticing.