
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

the unclean, the broken

I had a teeth-cleaning appointment scheduled for this week, but the dentist's office called over the weekend, saying the hygienist broke her shoulder - no teeth cleaning happening just yet. 

Ouch. How might one break a shoulder? I'm thinking mountain biking mishap? Seems to be a common injury among the partakers and fits the time of year.

Speaking of time of year, we're having us a heat wave. Nothing terrible. Temperatures should get to mid-90s today. I went for a run this morning, and the last couple miles were a struggle in the heat. I maybe should've brought some water, but, ack, such a pain to carry.

As it was, I popped a Nuun® tablet into my water bottle once back home, and I was quickly back among the living. 

Now I'm using the dry heat to my advantage. Those pesky weeds that grow in the driveway cracks? Can't stand 'em. I doused them with white vinegar, which usually makes quick work of the pesky weeds when applied on a hot dry day. I'd rather not do the commercial weed killers. The murder attempt captured by the driveway cam:

Now we wait.

At least I survived the weed spraying. Coworker Sarge called off a couple of days ago -"threw my back out". He made it in yesterday, moving quite gingerly. I asked how he injured himself, thinking maybe he was doing some heroic handyman project.

He was on a bike ride with his kids, and they stopped at a store. He bent over to lock the bikes to the rack and - *ZAP* - down for the count. 

I hope my dental hygienist was at least doing something more adventurous than reaching for a lock when she broke her shoulder.


Marty said...

I remember my husband throwing his back out tying his shoe. Not very exciting either.

John Holton said...

I've discovered that you can do just about any cleanup job with white vinegar, baking soda, and Dawn dishwashing liquid.

Abby said...

Marty, ooh shoe tying - a very real hazard!

John, I'm taking those three things into the apocalypse.

BootsandBraids said...

That white vinegar weed killer is interesting. Seeing the before, hope you post an after so can see how it worked.

Allstarme79 said...

Weeds: yes, they are a serious pain and I feel like I am constantly battling them. Back: I once threw mine out trying to put groceries in the car. It was so bad I could barely walk and I had to call a friend to help with the kids because my husband and his brother were an hour away running a 30k.

Abby said...

BootsandBraids, will do. Upon checking this morning, the weeds have considerably wilted. Another day under the sun should do them in.

Allstarme79, now, in addition to locking my bike, I have shoe-tying and grocery-loading to worry about!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh, those pesky weeds in my driveway drive me crazy. I tried the vinegar and it didn't do anything. We bought this tool that was supposed to rip them out. No such luck. We have the dreaded commercial weed killer but trying to avoid it.
Let me guess, the man is late 40s early 50s because that is when it starts. Bending, sneezing, etc. As Rick has said, "he goes to bed fine and wakes up with a sports injury"

Danielle L Zecher said...

That's so annoying to get hurt doing something mundane/boring.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh for some of your heat! We're having the coldest most miserable summer probably ever!
I like to tell people that mu shoulder hurts because I damaged it falling out of a tree. (Only a very slight exaggeration.)