
Saturday, April 20, 2024


 The view outside my window:

Last week, we were out in the sunshine, whooping it up at Bucee's, now we've got snow, a.k.a. "April Showers".

It's probably my fault. I'd put most of my cold weather clothes away and shook out the summer stuff to be greeted with highs in the 30s. 

Oh well, good moisture happening. Good for the plants and all the way up the food chain.

This was another good week that was. Got in some PEO, some testing, some tuting, checking things off the to-do.

Yesterday, I went for a haircut, and my stylist was making the small-talk that she does when she mentioned something about her "ex-husband", which took me a bit aback. All this time I've been going to her for cuts, the husband's always been "husband", not "ex-".

So I was curious but not that curious. I don't really know her that well. I pop in for a 30-minute cut every couple of months, so there's not a whole lot of dishing to be done. And it's not like she just came out with "I'm getting a divorce", she nonchalantly mentioned the ex-husband in reference to some general thing, like he'd been an ex for a long time. And I know she's only had one husband, so this had to be that guy.

Honestly, I'm not a super chatty person. In fact, I'd be perfectly happy to just sit while she cuts, no words needed. But I know others who like the social aspect of going to the stylist. I think it's something stylists are aware of, so they make conversation out of obligation. I can go along with it if I must.

So, should I have asked what's up with the "ex-"? Or just let the comment go by, like I did, not to be nosy. A couple of months ago, he was a several-years husband. 

I did wonder about her daughter, though. She's the youngest kid and still in high school. What does she think of this ex business? Right smack dab in the middle of prom season? This too shall pass.

I finished up my scheduled physical therapy sessions. Not surprisingly, Dr. J tried to sell me some more, but I think I'm good for now. Not quite feeling like a 17-year-old again, but good enough not to throw any more money at the troubles for now. 

I'm happily running again, slow AF, but it kind of looks like running.


The Happy Whisk said...

I've never been so I don't know how chatty they are. I have heard that people chat a lot to bartenders. Not sure if that's true or not because I don't go there. I am however at the bar at Barnes! Hello Weekend.

Glad you're back to running. Slow is still running and that's a win!

Wishing you a great weekend ahead. Cheers, Ivy.

John Holton said...

Maybe they're two different people?

Linda Sue said...

I reckon if it looks like running, you are indeed running. I have dreams when I am running using only one leg, the other leg just sort of hangs around.

Boud said...

I used to have a hair stylist who said the most tiring part of her job was the endless talking! Customers thought she wasn't friendly unless she chatted. She'd have been happy just doing great cuts.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

The snow surprised me! My new stylist doesn't talk much and it's okay by me too. She's very young and honestly what would we talk about, her piercings and tats? She has a lot of both and I find her gorgeous but those things ruin it for me. Why? Because I'm an old fart I suppose.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm sure any running you do looks more like running than the waddling I do when I have to.
My ideal in the hairdresser would be a sort of massage table that I could go to sleep on while they did everything hat had to be done. I really don't want to be talked to.

Abby said...

Happy Whisk, it sometimes feels like peer pressure when the stylist the next chair over is being all chatty.

John, well I guess she could have a secret second family?

Linda Sue, that sounds like it takes some skill!

Abby said...

Boud, seems I've had the best haircuts from quiet stylists - they're in the zone. Worst haircut I ever had - that one almost seemed like she was on cocaine.

Peggy, the snow surprised most of us too :/. My stylist is just a few years younger than me, so we usually chat about family stuff. The ex-husband was a curveball.

Liz, this sounds like my ideal stylist. Maybe Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos will create one of those.

Jeanette said...

Ha ha! It's funny what you said about the snow being your fault! I washed and put away my heavy winter coat and it got below 30 the next day! I said the same thing! My stylist talks so much I can't get a word in edgewise, which is probably a good thing because we have way different views on several topics! I try to be nice!!

The Happy Whisk said...


Allstarme79 said...

Slow running is still running. I WAS fast but the last 5k I did was SO NOT. So hey, good for you.