
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

wednesday waiting

The semester is winding down, and I'm ready for it. Barely one week and a half to go. Tutees are fretting as happens at this point in the game.

One of my students traveled to Texas to meet up with family to see the recent eclipse in totality. When they arrived, they saw that the forecast where they were called for overcast skies at eclipse time, so they actually travelled 10 hours further to have clear skies. They were motivated!

It paid off, she got the clear skies they were after. During her time away, she actually zoom tutored her scheduled sessions with me, speaking of motivation.

Party Girl had a pow wow with Boss earlier this week. We are now fully staffed after operating lean throughout the fall semester. With the onboarding of assistant boss Mango and transferring Star from another campus, we are now a well-oiled machine.

GrandBoss is offloading another part-timer to our campus, and now Boss is struggling to find spots for everyone for summer semester. We've asked him why we're getting another person now, and he really didn't have an answer. He's not one for confrontation however, so he continues with the struggle.

So Party Girl drafted an "email of discontent", basically saying this other who is joining us is messing with her morale. I told Party Girl I thought the transfer made no sense, regardless of who it is, and we do know who it is - the aforementioned Kitty, who previous to that was known as Slacker.

So Party Girl's discontent is real since 

  1. We don't need an additional person, and this transfer threatens others' total work hours.
  2. The additional person is a known slacker.

I've taken a wait-and-see attitude after voicing my confusion at the whole thing. Party Girl is being more proactive since she's got much seniority. I don't know how the pow wow with Boss went, but I'm sure the office gossip will deliver soon enough.

*sigh* the struggles of the hourly employed.

In other concerns, our pooch, Penny, is not herself today. Lethargic and quiet, unlike her typical bouncy self. 

All was fine yesterday, and she was her typical self when we packed off to bed last night. But today, she's like an old lady dog. 

We wait.


Herb said...

When our pooch acts like that he's gotten into something he shouldn't. Thankfully it goes away. Hope that's the case with your guy.

Abby said...

Herb, thanks. Yep, I'm hoping it's something she'll just sleep off.

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh no on Penny. Sending well-wishes to the pup.

Yeah, hourly workers, we do have the challenges at times for sure.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

OOh I hope Penny is feeling better today!

Your post made me happy I was retired. LOL

Allstarme79 said...

Sorry about your pup; I was like that yesterday myself.

Abby said...

Happy Whisk, I'll tell Penny, thanks!

Peggy, I consider myself semi-retired. Work drama is not too dramatic :)

Allstarme79, ha, yeah, I hope it's just a weird thing that'll clear up on it's own. She's still being a granny dog.

The Happy Whisk said...
