
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

when asleep

  • Last week, I was bracing for this Monday because it would be the last day of finals and chaos would surely ensue at work. But I figured Tuesday would be a well-deserved lull. 


I was not wrong about Monday, which was the expected zoo. But we managed to get everyone in and accommodated as needed. Tuesday, however, was yet another zoo. I'd failed to realize that the EMT course just finished up, and all those wannabe paramedics need to come in and get certified for the registry before the end of the year = NOW.

Yesterday was a never ending stream of EMTs, the place was packed with them. The silver lining was, if someone were to have a medical emergency, we should've been in pretty good proximity to aid.

I'm off today, and it feels a bit weird because Wednesday is usually my tutoring day. But semester's over and so is the tutoring until next semester. The positive news is that a new assistant boss is on the horizon. The candidate, whose corner I was most in, was offered the position and has accepted.  Now it's just background check and other such mumbo jumbo, and she should be starting... just as we go on break.

  • I went for a haircut appointment yesterday, and my stylist told me how one of the other stylists at the salon very unexpectedly died in her sleep on Thanksgiving night. Apparent anuerysm rupture. She was only 44. Her 12-year-old daughter was the one who found her.  Wow.

While dealing with the tragic loss of their coworker, the other stylists are taking over her scheduled appointments. My stylist telling me all this made me realize that my current work zoo is nothing compared to her current work zoo.

  • Today's agenda includes various housewifery type things. The weather is crap, so that should help.


The Happy Whisk said...

That is sad to hear she passed at 44 years and that her 12-year old kiddo found her. Heart breaking.

Hope your chores zip by.

Abby said...

Happy Whisk, I can't imagine finding your young mom like that at 12 years old. I hope she's got a lot of support.

Boud said...

So sad about the young woman's sudden death. And so traumatic for her daughter. I hope she gets plenty of affectionate support.

Jeanette said...

That is too bad about your hairdressers coworker. Just goes to show how fleeting life is!

Danielle L Zecher said...

Sorry you had two zoo days in a row, but glad the second one was at least a very safe one. We joked that our wedding was the safest place in the world because it was full of firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and EMTs. And it seems like nothing happens when all those capable people are around.

That's so sad about your hairdresser's coworker. That seems awfully young to die so abruptly. I hope her daughter is able to get the help and support she needs to deal with her loss.

Liz Hinds said...

Always handy to have a first aider around. You never know.
What a tragedy for the stylist and her daughter. Such trauma to work through eventually.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh my goodness, finding your mom is double when losing your mom. My heart goes out to that little girl. My mom died at the same age so I get this too well.
As for housewifery things - they are like the weather, crap!

The Happy Whisk said...

Me either. Heartbreaking. Fast way to grow up quick too. Hope she has support too.