
Sunday, December 17, 2023

weekend randomness

This week was busy at work with semester finals and year-end certifications. This coming week will likely be about the same until we hit a wall on Thursday with very little on the schedule. As such, we're planning to have our gift swap party Thursday afternoon. 

A few weeks ago, Magnum brought home [this book] that he won from a little contest thrown by the Employee Health and Safety group at work. 

Their EH&S does these occasional contests on various topics, then from the high scorers, a few winners are chosen. This particular contest had to do with emergency prep, and Magnum got the book plus a gift card.

The book went straight to the giveaway pile, and I figured, "welp, now I have something for the lame gift swap"

I skimmed the pages, and it seems to be parody disguised as serious self-help. There are a few worthwhile tips in there for general preparedness.

So... shouldn't the "losers" of the contest get the book instead? As they seem more in need of the information?

And I saw this meme this morning and thought, "AHA! I'm not the only one who thinks this!"

I mean, really. I see some of the filtered selfies and profile pics some people - mainly women - upload online, and I wonder if they realize they don't really look like that. At all? 

Sure, the filters are very flattering, but what happens when they go out in public? Kind of like makeup vs. no makeup, but those filters are next level. 

Anyway, I've got my Christmas shopping done - what little there is of it. But it occurs to me that I might be low on wrapping paper, ribbons if I'm feeling extra fancy. I might need to quick run to the store.

The Zombie apocolypse will hopefully hold off. 


Allstarme79 said...

I own that book and never read it. Not really that interested either. And I agree; people filter the crap out of themselves until, really, does the real person even exist??

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

That book is funny.
As for the meme, too true. I don't understand why everyone is filtering but the worse is the damn mothers who fill in a missing tooth on their kids grade school pictures. I love seeing my toothless grin or my horrible hair that I didn't comb before the photo was taken. That is all part of growing up. We need to stop doing this. Besides if I filtered y'all would die when you saw me!

Abby said...

Allstarme79, there's truth in that meme. When someone goes missing, authorities often use photos from social media. Those filtered pics don't even come close!

Peggy, toothless, lopsided hair school pics are an essential part of childhood!

Liz Hinds said...

I really hope there isn't an apocalypse before Christmas. I would hate to see all the effort of shopping and wrapping go to waste.
Good to know Magnum knows what to do in an emergency.

The Happy Whisk said...

Hubby had that book, He said some bits were funny and some parts weren't. I think we ended up donating them. Ha! Hal On the filters. Funny!