
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

mid-week mash up

  • I mentioned a while back that a childhood friend of mine was (surprisingly and strangely) running for mayor of our hometown. I didn't think he had any chance at all, and the polls returned that prediction in staggering fashion.

I took a peek at his facebook campaign page, to which I never accepted the "friend" request, and he's been profanely ranting ever since - not surprisingly.

I honestly wonder about his mental state. 

He and I have been in and out of touch over the years, mostly out. A few years ago, he'd sent a request to connect on Linkedin. His Linkedin profile was very odd, and I wondered if it was a joke or if he's off his rocker. Could go either way. I never accepted that request either.

  • The assistant boss hunt is proceeding. All applicants are in, and we're poring over resume's. First round interviews likely won't happen until after Thanksgiving because of... Thanksgiving.

We have two fellow part-timers who had expressed interest in the position. One has sort of developed a reputation as a slacker, while the other has been performing really well. I haven't worked much with either of them as they are very part-time at our campus, but the others have shared their thoughts with me.

SO, turns out "the slacker" applied for the position, but the "the star" did not. I don't know if Star just changed her mind or what, but the deadline has past, and she's not in the running. I shared this quietly with both Party Girl and Sarge, both were quite disappointed.

I think I'm doing well with keeping myself unbiased despite all this chatter. Slacker is not a shoe-in, as a few other candidates look well qualified.

  • Screaching tires UPDATE: recall the ongoing screaching tires Magnum and I heard on Saturday night? We did a bit of investigating during a coffee & bagel mission.

Walking across the nearby high school parking lot revealed that our assumption of someone(s) spinning lots and lots of donuts was most likely true.

I can only imagine the heat and smells that were generated. 

And if it was some kid shredding their parents' tires? Consequences?


Liz Hinds said...

Trump became President so there's hope for your man.

Abby said...

Liz, haha! Funny you say that because I was thinking that the non-mayor is acting very Trumpesque on social media.

Allstarme79 said...

If my kid did that he'd be GROUNDED. But I don't think he would because I don't think he cares of showing off. Also, he drives a Mazda.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Sadly what Liz said was something similiar to what I was gonna say. Great minds think alike. :-)

My parents would have kicked my behind if I did that. But then I'd bet it was boys because do women/girls do that? I know, I know, what a sexist thing to say!

John Holton said...

Your "friend" sounds like some kind of a nut...

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is a week away, and that Christmas is only a month after that?

If my kid did that, he wouldn't sit for a year, and he'd owe me a new set of tires.

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I'd like to think my kids would've known better, even as teens. Tempting, yes. Stupid, also yes.

Peggy, I get it. My mind totally goes to some teenaged boy whooping it up and burning rubber. Hard to picture a girl, but who knows? Maybe someone's grandma...

John, you think my friend sounds like a nut, you should see his facebook page!

Linda Sue said...

Expensive rubber art. Should be preserved as a dying , of the times, expression of what cars can do. Love the photos. Skilled doughnuts !

Abby said...

Linda Sue, you may have figured out the motivation - "rubber art" - the new form of graffiti!