
Friday, November 3, 2023

go forward, move ahead, crack that whip

It's a relatively calm Friday, I have not a lot going on. So I'm doing some laundry and gonna rake leaves in a minute. Excitement abounds!

It also happens to be a payday. We get paid every two weeks from the college, and I never really look at my emailed paystub. But today, I decided to peak at it before discarding. Lo and behold, we've gotten a pay increase.

This is strange because, it being a state school, there are no merit increases. Everyone who works a certain job, whether they've done it for 5 years or 5 minutes gets the same pay. We get annual increases, typically in mid-summer. 

In July, my coworkers in the testing center and I got half the percentage increase as most other positions that we knew of, which actually seemed a bit silly and insulting. An informal sampling of others at the college revealed that most got the larger increase - my tutor wage, for instance.

Honestly, my working there is not so much about money at this point in my life. It's a comfortable gig for a variety of reasons, and better than a lot of other part-time jobs available to me. But I noticed, while perusing my pay stub this morning, that we got an additional pay increase a few weeks ago and are now being paid the full increase as the rest of the college over this time last year. Why nothing was ever said about it, I don't know. Maybe someone heard my somewhat internal bitching? 

New boss did mention to me that our old boss, now Director, has been adamant in meetings about sticking up for us part-timers and noting that we should not be taken for granted. We "are not easily replaced". The guy often drives me bananas, as I've mentioned here before, but he's a good guy to work for. 

And speaking of the job, a young student came in for a test yesterday. She did not have any photo ID - as required for testing - on her. 

Me: Nothing? No driver's license, student card, etc?

Her: Uh.. no. 

Me: Well, we need to verify that you're you before we can give you the exam.

Her:  I can show you my instagram?

...That struck me as such a gen Z thing to say. At least she didn't try a SnapChat

The entertainment does help make up for the wage. 

And no, an instagram account does not count as proof of identity. 


Allstarme79 said...

LOL that would totally be a Gen-Z thing to say. Sigh. And you'd think their parents taught them these things...

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I'm surprised at how many of the younger students don't carry any form of ID. Their phones are "everything".

John Holton said...

I'll bet your student is one o' them there influencers and just wants to get you to look at her page...

Abby said...

John, Ha! You may have figured her out. "like and follow!"

Liz Hinds said...

Glad you got the unexpected but deserved pay rise.

Abby said...

Liz, thanks, me too. Validation 🙂