
Thursday, September 21, 2023

the new and the old

  • It appears that the neighbors to our right are moving. I don't know them well. They're a young couple who work from home and have two dogs that like to occasionally discuss politics and religion with our dogs through the fence. They've lived there for a couple of years, the house is a rental.

So I have mixed emotions: "Ooh, potentially new neighbors", and, "Yikes, potentially new neighbors".

We've had no issues with the couple next door - always friendly during our brief interactions and no trashiness. I'm thinking maybe they've saved up and are able to purchase a home now, so good for them. I snooped online and the house is still available for rent starting next month - "NO CATS". Fingers crossed.

  • The new boss selection at work has happened, and Assistant Boss is now just plain Boss. I'm happy for him and for us. It should make for an easy transistion, especially since he's been doing Boss duty since previous boss was promoted a few months ago anyway. Now comes the hiring of a new assistant boss. 

We've had discussions as coworkers do about the prospects. Of the three most suitable from the current cast of characters - Party Girl, Sarge, and me - none want the position. So it will go to either one of the other current coworkers or, I'm hoping, someone fabulous from outside.

  • My high school classmates had a reunion last weekend with about 20 in attendance plus a few assorted spouses. They represent about 15% of the class, so not too dismal. They looked to have had a good time, and I appreciated the organizing efforts and sharing of photos as I saw from afar on social media. The memorial table was poignant and nicely put together.

But I couldn't help but think, "Who are all these old people?"


Allstarme79 said...

We like the few neighbors we do know but there's an older guy to our right (he might be upper 80s) who I know won't be there forever, of course, and I always wonder who would move in. His house is a 70s time capsule and has not been renovated like most of the others. I always sort of hope a family will move in at the same time as I dread having to be friends - potentially - with people I may not even like. Ah, but we have no control over who moves in!

Abby said...

Allstarme79, yep, can't pick your neighbors. Good luck to us both.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Yes sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't know as far as your neighbors. Good Luck! I hope they are as good as the last ones.
As for the old people, we do that all the time! good to know it's not just us. :-)

Jeanette said...

I'm glad your new boss selection is done and you are happy with the results! Good luck on your neighbors. I hope you get good ones!

Abby said...

Peggy, someone lived next door before the young couple moved in, but I swear I never saw them. Might have heard them talking on the phone in their back yard once. Great neighbor!

Jeanette, boss selection seemed to take forever, I'm glad that's settled.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I hope you get good neighbors.