
Sunday, August 13, 2023

weekend mash-up

I'm nursing yet another spider bite. A couple of weeks ago, I had three - count 'em, three - spider bites at various locations on my head. Annoying, itchy, oozy things. I assume a spider was in my bicycle helmet when I unknowingly put it on? Then it had a munch fest?

Friday morning, I woke up with another telltale bump. This one on my chin. It has oozed for the last couple of days, and I think we're almost done, but sheesh.

Us at our flashiest

Magnum and I racked up another year of wedded bluster bliss this week. That makes 33 of them so far. Egads! 

No big celebratory antics, just mutual acknowledgement and back to it. We're both so dang low maintenance, and that's probably the biggest factor in our "success".

In this week's news, certainly the devastating fires of Maui caught our attention. We've had our fair share of scary wildfire in Colorado, and I think of Hawaii as being in the tropics and not as susceptible, but, sadly, no.

And on a local sad note, the local bike club planted yet another ghost bike. This one a memorial for a 10-year-old boy. 


Ghost bikes shouldn't be this small.

The work week ahead looks good with Boss and Assistant Boss away at a conference. I honestly can't imagine how one fills a whole week at a Testing Conference, but they're off on their adventure, and maybe the mice will play.

Fall semester classes begin a week from tomorrow. *WHOOSH* The sound summer makes as it leaves the chat.


The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Wedded Bliss to you both. Now, if only to do something about all those dang spider bites. Ouch!!!!

Jeanette said...

Well Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! What kind of spider gives you that kind of bite! Yikes!

Linda Sue said...

33 years, geez girl, you got married when you were a child!! Adorable wedding photo.
Always check your boots for rattlers and your hat for scorpions! Obey that law if none others.
The ghost bike- dammit, that is so sad.

Abby said...

Happy Whisk, ugh, the spiders. I rarely see any, those sneaky little critters.

Jeanette, I don't know what kind they are. Small and evil.

Linda Sue, good laws to follow. No encounters with rattlers or scorpions, thankfully! *knock on wood*

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Happy Anniversary! My friend who was visiting Colorado packed a brown recluse in her suitcase unbeknownst to her. She ended up in the hospital and lost a chuck of her pretty leg. Spiders! Yuk!

Abby said...

Peggy, yikes! Don't mess with the brown recluse!

Danielle L Zecher said...

Happy Anniversary!

I hope your spider bite clears up soon. That sounds horrible. :-(

Allstarme79 said...

Happy anniversary! And yeah, where the heck did summer go? Gone way too soon.