
Sunday, August 6, 2023

I knew them when

Some of my high school classmates are planning a reunion - our 40th already, yeesh. I have no desire to attend. I mean, I like most of those people, have fond memories and all, but yeah... no.

Most of all, the reunion would take place in my hometown, which is about a 4-hour road trip away.  My parents have both passed away, and I have no family in town anymore.

The town itself has become pretty depressing to me, actually. I enjoyed growing up there, but I hear it's pretty much gone to the pot shops, and the population has diminished further. I've heard of attempts at gentrification, to attract artists and turn it into the "new Santa Fe", but don't know how well that's going.

I was sort of "peer pressured" into joining the class facebook page although I don't really use facebook much at all - it's for old people, heh.  But now I'm learning about classmates who have passed away. A lot can happen in 40 years.

My hometown was small, and my graduating class was about 120 kids. Naturally, there were different cliques as happens in high school. And with small towns, everybody knows everybody's business. So I had the friends I hung out with most, but I knew "of" all my other classmates. 

I realize that the ones I'd care to catch up with if I were to attend the reunion are the ones I didn't hang out with much back in the olden days - get to know them a little better now, maybe? Would they care to catch up with me? 

Either way, pretty sure I'm gonna skip.


Linda Sue said...

Romy and Michelle, yep pretty much - no one is recognizable and really, who cares? Your town sound a lot like my town growing up ...good place to be from, never going back. Save time and save money and do not go.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I have only gone to one and I really believe that was enough.Rick's was this fall and now he doesn't wish to go due to his stroke. I am thrilled because I really didn't wish to go. Whew. Okay that damn stroke was good for somethin'. Bad Margaret.😊

John Holton said...

Next year will be my 50th. I've missed all of them, including that one...

Abby said...

Linda Sue, time saved ✅ money saved ✅

Peggy, well, whatever works!

John, I vaguely remember a 30th that I didn't go to either. Can't mess up my streak.

ShadowRun300 said...

I attended my 5 year reunion and haven’t attended one since. My high school days were OK, but not something I’m interested in revisiting. My hubby’s class on the other hand, is having their 40th reunion this coming week. We’re both excited to go. Still a very close community with really good/fun people. Funny how different our experiences are/were.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I guess that's one of the VERY few good things about having been homeschooled; no reunions, so no pressure to attend them.

Abby said...

ShadowRun300, I had a good high school experience, but it was so long ago. I've caught up with a few people through the power of the internet over the years, and that's enough. Glad you're excited for your husband's. Enjoy!

Danielle, hadn't thought of that!

Liz Hinds said...

Skipping it sounds wise.

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm amazed at how fast a week goes by, nevermind fourty years. Whoooooosh!

Sorry to read both of your parents are passed. My mom passed last year. Miss her to bits.