
Thursday, August 3, 2023

sound and furries

A coupla guys are yelling at each from a nearby street. They're not fighting. I've been able to ascertain by their yells and other noises that they are cutting down and mulching a tree. I'm guessing that one guy is in the tree or cherry picker bucket and the other is on the ground, and that they are professionals hired to do this job. 

It's strange to me that they are communicating by yelling. Shouldn't they have radios? Shouldn't the guy with the chainsaw have hearing protection? The two of them seem to get along well, though.

I was doing some side work for tuting, but got distracted by the tree trimming communications. I distinctly heard a "F*CK!", and I think chainsaw guy got hit with a loose limb. He's evidently okay, though. Hopefully he has a hard hat to protect his head while ruining his ears.

Such is a disadvantage of working from home - the distractions. 

Later this afternoon, I'll head to my job at the college, fully focused on the tasks at hand, of course! *sarcasm*

"Hey, where's Chili dog?"

"Hi, nice to see you too"

Thus began an exchange I had with an instructor earlier this week. Chili dog is, in fact, a dog named Chili. My coworker, Triple Dee (nickname is not to do with boobs), adopted Chili a couple of months ago and has been bringing her in to work. When Chili's not there, people tend to notice. I mean look at what I'm greeted with upon my own arrival:

All smiles with a tail all a-blur!

Chili is a large-pawed, long-legged sweet girl. I predict she's going to fill out further judging from those paws, shown off here as she executes this perfect downward dog pose:

Triple Dee adopted her from a shelter after she was found straying around Denver. She's quite well behaved and her size and demeanor offset with our other furry coworker, Gizmo.

Gizmo comes in with Work Study. He is small and soft and cuddly, but at times gets rambunctious because he can be too cute to correct!

Chili and Gizmo are not service dogs, but fall in the "emotional support" grey area for Triple Dee and Work Study. The rest of us like having them around too.

I know many people like working from home since "discovering" it with the help of covid. Personally, I like getting out of the house, at least part-time. I appreciate the college job in this season of my life, for now anyway. It serves a purpose, and I do like my coworkers - even some of the human ones.


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:

3. Write a blog post inspired by the word: work


Marty said...

I enjoyed teaching, but this sounds like my dream job. The academic world, but with dogs!! Then again, I'd probably keep finding excuses to visit them and wouldn't get anything done.

John Holton said...

Cute doggies!

Linda Sue said...

Dogs make work better! I love seeing a dog just anywhere and everywhere. I trust the place and the people a bit more if they have dogs in the office. Chili is adorable, so glad she found a home with boobs.

Danielle Zecher said...

Dogs coming to work is one of the few things I miss from my old job. People always seem to be in a better mood with a dog in the office.

I'm a huge fan of the hybrid work schedule. I have three office days two days working from home. It's a good split for me.

Abby said...

Marty, the pooches are a nice perk.

John, and I think they know it!

Linda Sue, I know not everyone is a fan of dogs in a "place of business", but no complaints as far as I know.

Danielle, three-in, two-out sounds like a nice balance.

Jeanette said...

In my job I never had the opportunity to work from home, but I think I would have only liked it for a while. When I retired, I really missed interacting with people outside of my house! Nice to have dogs at work!

Abby said...

Jeanette, I've enjoyed the coworker interaction at every job I've had, even the jobs I "hated".

Patty said...

I'd love to have a dog at my work place but I'm sure there would be a hair client quick to complain...about allergies. That's almost hysterical, if one thinks about it, given the chemicals in place which are used during all hair services. What? No allergies there?

Yup, I'm with you on the need for an up-close and personal work environment. I do so much "remote" work (ordering, etc.) from home that it's become almost like one more household chore.

Abby said...

Patty, there's certainly potential for someone to object to having dogs in a testing center - allergens, general phobias, etc. But no one has complained as far as I know.
During the peak of the pandemic, I had a job at a care facility (nursing home), and I really enjoyed getting out of the house, being with coworkers and residents.

KatBouska said...

I think more people might enjoy going to work outside of the home if there were cute dogs to cuddle. :)