
Sunday, May 14, 2023

happy day

Happy Mother's Day, y'all. Hallmark holiday that it is, I do still appreciate my mom and also my kids for allowing me the job.

I was digging around in my archives from one year ago. At this time back then, we were into celebrating Meego's graduation from college. Woot!  He's working full-time now, moved out of the college-years "Lake House" into his own place. We'll get together later for some birthday shenanigans.

I also found in my archives, memories of my dispute with Nurse Ratched. Ugh. 

To summarize, we had a particular nursing instructor at work who was being "not very nice" to us in the testing center. Her wrath stemmed from an incident between one of her students and the not-always-tactful Boss. 

I understood her being upset with Boss, but when she decided to aim her tyrannical ways at us underlings, my coworkers and I said, "F--- that!"

It was the first - and thankfully the last - time I ever felt a need to submit a formal complaint to an HR department. Two of my coworkers and I did just that. 

I was actually a bit surprised at the quick response. Our complaints were delivered to the head of HR himself who called and discussed the situation with each of us individually. We don't know what was said to Nurse Ratched, but I'm sure she had a talking to.

There have been no negative incidents involving her since. On the few occasions I've had to correspond with her via email, she's been profusely thankful.  There also seems to have been an uptick in the frequency of positive remarks from other instructors like, "appreciate you guys!" or "thanks for everything you do for our students!" blah blah blah.

Up until a few months ago, I'd never even met her in person, but I knew what she looked like when one of my fellow offended coworkers stalked her online and found her.

She stopped in for a rare visit late one evening while Assistant Boss and I were going through some closing procedures. I was in the back room closing out a few things when Nurse Ratched  walked in all stealthfully. I imagine she peeked in, saw Assistant Boss in there by himself, and deemed the coast clear.

I sensed it was her, so stepped out in full reveal, to which she did one of these

I responded with one of these

She thanked us "for all you do", told us about what nice comments we get from her students, then hastily left. 

She's no longer a problem. I have no regrets about filing a complaint with HR. 

I hope to never have cause to do it again.


Linking up with Mama Kat for the prompt:

5. Look into your archives. What were you blogging about a year ago around this time? Are you still dealing with the same thing? Your thoughts?


Jeanette said...

Sometimes people just need to be put in their place! Sounds like it worked with Nurst Ratched!

KatBouska said...

I worry that my kids will never be able to afford to live on their own. They've still got a ways to go though so we'll see! And good for you reporting rude behavior. I'm actually surprised, most people like that do not take the criticism well, but she seems to actually putting in an effort to change for the better!