
Sunday, April 16, 2023


Another week deeper into spring. Sun is shining, birds are chirping, pollen is floating.

I'm looking forward to the end of the semester. I've identified some inefficiencies in my tutoring schedule/ availability, and have made a few adjustments. But the adjustments won't kick in until after the end of this semester, so let's go already. 

Boss is his happy annoying self once again. His whining about being jerked around regarding his promotion has paid off, and he is supposedly given an agreeable start date. So he's back to his mundane running-of-the-mouth, and I find myself rather missing the grumpy moper boss.

From here, I'mma do this reflection prompt I found... somewhere:

Three moments from this week I'd like to remember:

  • I got my teeth cleaned this week, and it was the first time I'd seen the hygienist as well as the dental assistant without surgical masks. Masks are no longer required in medical offices, and they happily showed their unfamiliar faces. Hygienist, of course, wore hers while working, but nice to see whole faces during the chatty times.
  • While out walking with pooch Penny, I came across what looked like a couple of brothers learning some skateboard tricks. It was just a wholesome scene. Older was probably around 13 years old, younger was about 7 or 8. They looked like they'd just gotten the new skateboards, and the fact that they were both wearing matching new Vans sneakers made it all the more wholesome. 
  • We have a workstudy student who works with us in the testing center. She has an "emotional support" dog that boss said she can bring to work. Omigosh, little Gizmo is the cutest thing!

One of the week's triumphs, big or small:

  • I've mentioned how I've been dealing with physical stamina issues since having covid, mainly noticeable when running. I've been working on it with more attention over the last few weeks, and have made happy progress.

One of the week's challenges, big or small:

  • Those tutor scheduling inefficiencies I mentioned up there. 

One thing I learned from my triumph or challenge:

  • I learned that running slower really does help one run faster. 🤔
  • I learned not to cater to unreasonable requests on my time.

Two events or news stories out in the world that caught my attention:

  • I've been captivated by the story of 21-year-old Jack Teixeira, the national guardsman who leaked top secret documents over a Discord server.  Brought them home? Took photos of them? Supposedly for clout among his online buddies?
    I mean... what the hell??
  • Is it the end for Bud Light


Linda Sue said...

I am not a beer lover, especially bud light but i would buy a case just on principal!

Allstarme79 said...

"Bud light" will probably need to reinvent itself to get over this blunder. The company in general is probably fine. All these people celebrating their loss but they own so many other major breweries, the money practically prints itself.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, so maybe the campaign will work after all?

Allstarme79, it's true, AB owns so much that people don't realize.

Jeanette said...

My dentist office dropped the masks months ago. I'm waiting for my doctors office to do the same. I'm glad you are conquering your stamina issues.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Seriously bud light is basically water. And honestly, those rednecks will forget this because who are they going to drink? Coors? never! it's a Canadian American company I am certain the rednecks would have their panties in a twist for that too. To me this was not a blunder - they should hunker down and tell the rednecks go find another beer. If their beer was good that would work. But aside from NASCAR and red hat-wearing people I know of no one who drinks that swill. My husband hates bud or bud light (he calls it pee water) but he'll buy a case just to support them and give it to our neighbors or something.

I am happy to hear your stamina issues are slowly resolving themselves.
I have a friend who had covid the first year. She is not the same. I am so glad you are seeing improvements.She got it before there were vaccinations. I have heard from a nurse that she has seen improvements from those who got covid but they were vaccinated so maybe it will just take time and you'll be super woman again in no time at all!!