
Saturday, April 8, 2023


I gained a newfound respect for Boss this week.

I may have mentioned here that the college is undergoing an organizational restructuring. I KNOW I've mentioned here that my boss can be annoying at times.

The college is comprised of three separate campuses plus online programs. The re-org has to do with making departments consistent across all campuses. Each campus has a testing center, and Boss was promoted to Director of Testing for all campuses - a new position created as part of of the re-org. He is currently the director of our local campus center, a.k.a. my boss.

As far as I'm concerned, he's the right choice for the position. And, as I've mentioned here already, those of us who work for him have been anxiously awaiting his departure from our workspace. The dude just talks so much about his special interests, and we have no idea the source of his show-and-tell personality. 

It's exhausting.

Bottom line, however, he does know his *stuff* when it comes to efficiently and effectively running a testing center. Our center hums along nicely, the other two... not so much.

So he interviewed for and was awarded the new position back in December. At that time, he was told he'd be in place likely around the beginning of March... then maybe more like mid-May? Or maybe after the start of summer semester??

This week, he reached a breaking point. Leadership - a.k.a "The Council" - is still being non-committal on Boss's official start date, but had the cluelessness to ask that he start on some Director-Of-Testing action items. 

On a side note, whenever I hear our leadership addressed as "The Council", I think of this sculpture of that name I remember from the Rochester, NY airport

Seems similar, different people staring off in different directions, no arms, no work being done...

And with that, Boss had the appropriate response. 

"Those programs are in good shape at the fort collins center. I'm manager of the fort collins center, not responsible for the other centers, so I'm caught up". Then, he left the meeting.

Wednesday, he came into work, went to talk with HR, then left for two "personal days". A little dark cloud hovering just above his head.

We underlings are cheering him on from sidelines. "You tell 'em, Boss!"

And this time, it's not because we're anxious to be rid of him. It's because, doofus that he sometimes can be, he deserves more respect than he's getting.

From my personal point of view, I'm not stressed out about the changes. They mainly effect the levels above me both in testing and in tutoring, but I don't see my day-to-day changing a whole lot. Meanwhile, there is much grumblings from both faculty and non-faculty about The Council.

This is somewhat new to me, not having worked much in public education. In my experience in private industry, someone gets a promotion, the org chart is already in place, and the promotion happens immediately. 

It's the annoyance of not-knowing. 

So I'm looking forward to someday knowing? But I won't hold my breath.


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:

5. Write about something you are looking forward to.


John Holton said...

I can undertand perfectly: while he's in limbo, so are the rest of you. You want to see what everything's going to look like when all is said and done, and they're taking their own sweet time getting to that point. It isn't fair to you, and it isn't fair to your boss, who can be a pain in the neck but, as you say, good at what he does and will do a good job at it. I hope things get sorted out soon, for everyone's sake.

Abby said...

John, yup, you understand perfectly.

Chatty Crone said...

I think you are right - if he can do the job - then let's go and get started.

Ffi/BNM said...

I hate restructurings - I work at an univeristy and several years ago the Council (yep we have one too but I just think of the Muppet show start) and we had a Sustainability Implementation Plan - ie restructure where everyone in the part of the univeristy that I work with had to reapply for jobs but even then the start dates where set in stone (ie at the start of the next academic year becuase why not cause utter chaos).
I think the up aboves are just trying to get him to do everything but for money saving purposes without the salary increase


Abby said...

Ffi/BNM, I haven't heard about having to reapply for our jobs, but it wouldn't surprise me at this point. Muppet show *snicker*.

Abby said...

Chatty, I think they just want free labor.

Allstarme79 said...

I've worked with so many people like that: I respect them and think they're goo d at their jobs but as a person, I'm not a fan. This was the entire English department in a nutshell, to be honest.