
Sunday, February 26, 2023

all stuck inside

We've made it to the final days of February, and I can't say I'm sad to see it go. Several years ago, when we lived in upstate New York where winters were long and grey, a friend told me, "We just have to make it to the end of February..." - a time of light at the end of the tunnel.

We're not in upstate NY anymore, but I still look forward to February's end. By now, I'm over having snow and ice that gets old and crusty as it refuses to leave, just to get buried by another layer. 

It's currently very pleasant outside after a cold, snowy, blustery week. The college shut down and moved to "remote operations" on Wednesday, which is a general pain. Instructors scramble to provide something meaningful online so as to not fall behind. We have online course options, so students who enroll in in-person classes do so because they don't like online.

There's a certain math instructor, we'll call her "Sarah",  who is always smiley-happy-cheerful. Really, she reminds me more of fun elementary school teacher than a college math instructor. For instance, she told me of some cheesy math messages she shared with her classes on Valentine's day:

If you don't get them, no worries, they are truly cheesy. If you do get them, don't say I didn't warn you!

Anyway, Sarah had a test scheduled for Thursday. Only ONE student attended her Zoom review on Wednesday, and only a fourth of the class showed up for the test on Thursday, siting  "it's too cold".

With that, apparently those present witnessed "another side of Sarah".

It's too cold??

Speaking of chilling and remote, Magnum and I watched an interesting movie this weekend. Possessor is about an assassin who carries out her jobs - as part of some mysterious organization - by remotely taking over another person and having them do the deed. The movie didn't really get into the technology of how she implants herself - it's sort of glossed over like a chip is inserted, blah blah - because that's not really the focus of the film. It's more of a psychological, cerebral, artsy sci-fi.

I liked it - a good storyline and acting that really held my attention. That said, however, it is quite gory and graphic, and I wouldn't recommend it to those who aren't comfortable with blood and lots of it. We saw the uncut version on Hulu, and there is apparently a milder cut version. But the movie deals with the assassin losing control of one of her hosts/victims when the host becomes somewhat aware of what's happening and tries to fight it.

While I felt that the gore was often gratuitously overdone, I still liked the movie overall for its thought provoking darkness. And the ending... well! No spoilers.


Chatty Crone said...

I got the math problems.

Abby said...

Chatty, good job ⭐

Jeanette said...

I'm terrible at math but can guess what they say anyway!

Abby said...

Jeanette, guessing is a legit strategy!

Danielle L Zecher said...

Even the nicest people seem to have a limit. It looks like "too cold for a math test" is Sarah's limit.

Abby said...

Danielle, yep. I'm glad to know Sarah has a limit.