
Tuesday, December 6, 2022


I have a vague memory from when I was around 3 years old. I was at home with my mom, and she bundled me up and let me go out in the backyard by myself. By myself! I don't think I'd ever really been by myself outside ever before. 

The backyard seemed YUGE, a vast expanse! It was covered in freshly fallen snow. 

And maybe my mom was out there with me, but in my memory, I was alone in that "wilderness", quite mesmerized by the sensation of waddling through the snow. I remember how it felt to move through it in my boots, and the swishy sounds it made, and how comfy I felt in all my bundlage.

This was snow. How enchanting.

Honestly, I'm not a great fan of snow. I don't even ski. I KNOW, I live in COLORADO! So I've skied, but it's not something I'm passionate about, and it's gotten so expensive anyway. And the crowds. I guess I equate my snow bliss with being away from crowds and bustle. 

So this morning, when I stepped outside and was met with surprise snow ("this was NOT in the forecast"), I took it as a gift? Maybe?


What a beautiful morning - not given justice with my cell phone pics and lacking photography skills.

I came across a few others out there - walking dogs or out alone, a few bicycle commuters slowly doing their thing - no one complaining. 

Eventually, I had to turn around and head back home, but I kind of didn't want to. Hypothermia, though... not good.

Sometimes we get just a little bit of snow that only functions to create mud to be tracked into the house.  Other times, we get dumped on, and it makes a mess, creates crap conditions for getting anywhere, and long overstays its welcome.

But once in a while, we get these Goldilocks snows. So my day started out just right. 


Linda Sue said...

A snow like that is grand , for walking in if your boots have grips. Ours has turned to very cold rain, deep chill.
I am so used to being in prison that a big dump of snow would not alter my daily life at all. I hope that you stay well and warm and NOT get flu-ish. Son has it and it is not joyful.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, I have spikes that stretch over my shoes - godsend! I don't like the big dumps, but it's nice to have water in the summertime.
Flu is visiting, hasn't stopped by our house... yet.

Jeanette said...

Being a Michigander I am over snow too! But I agree that sometimes it looks pretty especially freshly fallen in the morning!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I like the term godilocks snows. The photos are beautiful with the sun coming over a mountain. Everyone once in awhile I wish we had it. but it does pass quickly. I too skiied but lost interest as I got older, it didn't hold the same passion and excitement for me. Weird eh?
We've got rain here so enjoy your gorgeous light snow.

Abby said...

Jeanette, there are times when I feel like either flying south for the winter or hibernating through the whole thing. But then we get a pretty snow! You Michiganders are tough!

Peggy, skiing is a fun pastime, and I have good memories of it. At the same time, it's been years since I went, and I don't really miss it.