
Sunday, October 23, 2022

looney tunes and boogers

A week or so ago, I disassembled my desktop computer for more surface area at my desk. I've been using an old chromebook for most things and a laptop we usually keep upstairs. I like all the extra space, but I can't "move around" as efficiently with this old chromebook. First world problems.

Anyhoo, another busy week in the books. Midterms time at the college, so high anxiety and busyness there.  I'm very much enjoying tutoring for the college and glad I decided to throw myself into that ring. 

Fall continues to burst with color since we haven't had any real precipitation in a while. Here's young George doing his thing.

I can't tell if he's grown much since we brought him home from the nursery, but he seems to be doing okay, getting ready for bed.

Checked getting a flu shot of my to-do list this week, so we'll see what happens. Another October activity

And speaking of October activity, inktober continues, and I managed a few more prompts. Part of the motivation to clear off my desk was to have more space for doing this nerdy inktober challenge.

We're in the homestretch now. I've had fun seeing what others come up with for the prompts. Then we will likely all, like George, go quiet for several months


Linda Sue said...

These are my favorites, , no wait, They are all my favorites! your inktober has been mighty successful. George is looking contented, Winter will be difficult for such a small guy but he looks hearty. Fingers crossed.
Stay warm and cozy- cold up here in the north!

Abby said...

Linda Sue, Jake Parker (Mr. Inktober) wanted to get people to draw every day. It's fun to play along.
George seems so "exposed" out there in the yard. We'll see what winter brings

John Holton said...

George is going to be fine. They grow more underground than overground at this stage.

Abby said...

John, thanks, that's comforting 🙂

betty said...

I do enjoy your inktobers! You do have a talent indeed. (I think I mentioned that before). Glad you found a niche you enjoy with the tutoring! We are advancing in time, aren't we? Changing of the leaves, even George's, and snow here in the higher elevations! We'll blink and it will be New Year's Eve.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

well I just love the looney tune inktober!

As for trees, our Izzy tree that was planted in her spot appears to have stopped growing. I am hoping spring will bring on a few feet!

Danielle L Zecher said...

George looks good! We've managed to kill every tree we've planted, so I'm very impressed.

ShadowRun300 said...

Taking a moment to say hi!
I’m always impressed with your art work. Your cat is my favorite this time around.
The fall colors are beautiful around here too! Nice to see George participating at such a young age.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying tutoring still… did I ever tell you Amp went back to school? Yes, Amp. The smart kid who couldn’t/wouldn’t conform to school. And he’s doing well!
Anyway, wanted you to know I’m still reading. Always fun to visit here. :)