
Sunday, October 16, 2022

exactly as I fantasized

As I sit here, I'm calmed by the gentle tumbling noises made by my laundry. Or, more accurately, the gentle tumbling noises of the laundry made by our new washing machine.

Magnum and I went appliance shopping last weekend and picked out a sweet new addition. She was delivered and installed on Wednesday, and life is gooder. Our old washer came with the (previously a rental) house and was a typical Landlord Special. It made a lot of noise, but I'm not sure how much cleaning actually happened in there.

The new washer has a steam cleaning option, so we've named her "Steamy" - short for Steamy McSteamface.

In related excitement, we've ordered a new dishwasher (similar Landlord Special, currently). It's scheduled to be here by Halloween. Party time.

Fall coloring is in full bloom (anti bloom?) here. Young George is still green, but I snapped this pic while out for a lovely run near duck town on this crisp morning.

And speaking of Fall, inktober continues with no let up. I managed a few more submissions this week, but needed to skip a couple.

I think Wood Ducks are called Wood Ducks because they live in the woods? Or are they boarders?

Okay, nevermind. 

So that was the week that was. This week, I look forward to more inktobering, possible improvement to my work schedule, and a flu shot. Compelling plot, I know.


Linda Sue said...

your "inks" are fab as usual! I love your inky brain! Autumn looks lovely over there in your world.
Steamy Mc Steamface made me swallow my tea crooked , thank you for the chortle/sputter.
Wood ducks could be boarders, we know nothing or they could just be happy in the morning...
I got the big time booster and the double whammy flu injections in one go. Was sure that it would probably kill me but NO , I am fine! Now immortal! And so are you!

LL Cool Joe said...

I love your drawings as always.

I think you have to reach a certain age to get excited about a new washing machine. I hope Steamy brings you many years of pleasure.

betty said...

Love your drawings! You are talented! How fun to get new appliances! We are due for a few ourselves and although I don't welcome the expense, I welcome the new opportunities for more efficiency they will bring! So lovely with the trees changing! Pretty area to run by I do believe!


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Are you sick to death of me telling you how damn good you are and how you blow me away? I will just be in the corner the one with no talent. :-)
I honestly think that the actual sign of middle age is when our appliances give us such a thrill. Can you even imagine at 23 being thrilled with your new washer?

Abby said...

Linda Sue, Happy in the morning is the more likely explanation. Happy immortality!

LL Cool Joe, I was thinking that new appliances are exciting for toddlers and old people. Circle o' life.

Betty, I strangely enjoy doing laundry now. Weirdo.

Jeanette said...

You know you are a grown-up when you get joy from new appliances! Love your inks.

Abby said...

Peggy, I remember being 23 and silently judging people who got excited about appliances :P

Abby said...

Jeanette, "grown-up" sounds better "old goat"