
Friday, August 26, 2022

and so it begins

The school year has begun here and it's obvious during my morning commutes. I go passed an elementary school and a middle school on my way to work. Additionally, the high school is in the opposite direction. So I get caught in elementary and middle school traffic, while high school traffic is flowing towards me.

Not complaining, just observing the increased traffic now that kids are back at it. At work, classes started this Monday, and suddenly there are people "everywhere" after the quiet summer semester, all gung-ho before the drudgery sets in, I suppose.

I generally enjoyed being a student throughout all the levels. Still, there are definitely things that make me glad to be done with school.

First thing that comes to mind, group projects. These weren't so bad before college, and even the undergraduate projects weren't too bad in my case. By grad school, though, I'd had enough.

Then of course there's tuition and fees.

And while on the subject of money, we can't forget outlandish textbook prices

In addition, if wanting to park on a college campus, that's another layout of cash for the parking permit. Many students just take their chances, figuring the parking tickets won't add up to the cost of a permit.

Thankfully, I was able to bicycle to campus when in college. That's not to say I never arrived with 5 mins. until the start of class and was greeted by something like this:

And I don't miss the campus proselytizers. I mean, they could be "entertaining", but sheesh, I'm just trying to get to class.

I personally never experienced living in a freshman dorm, but I've heard/seen enough to know to be thankful for that.

Lastly, I realize I like the freedom of not being tied to a class schedule or syllabus or assignments or tests...  I mean, yes, there are aspects of these things with a job, but money comes in exchange, right?


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:

2. Top 10  8 reasons why you are glad you are done with school.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I loved high school. After that school was a means for a career and that was my full focus and I didn't love it as much, I just wanted it to be done so I could work in my field. Weird, I know!

betty said...

I never got the concept of why group projects were assigned. I'm sure it was to teach something, but it always seemed like a pain to get it all organized and then get the work done. You brought up a lot of valid points on why you are glad being done with school. I have to concur with them though I never went to college :) My morning commute though does put me by an elementary school and high school, all within 2 blocks of each other. If I leave 10 minutes later I actually get to work 5 minutes earlier. All I can say is I'm glad I'm done dropping off and picking up students :)


Abby said...

Peggy, same. I "socialized" a lot more in high school while college was for starting a career. I remember stumbling upon my university's homecoming parade and stopping to watch for a bit. I was thinking, "I have no idea who any of these people are... and vice versa"

Betty, 5 minutes earlier if you leave 10 minutes later - ha! The three schools I live near all have different start times, but I swear they wait until I leave the house to all go to school!

KatBouska said...

Sometimes I wonder if I'd like school better now that I'm a grown, mature and appreciative eager learner. But then I think about all the sitting and listening and notetaking...and I think I'll pass. In fact, everything on your list reminded me of how grateful I am to be finished with that stage of my life.