
Saturday, July 30, 2022

enjoy your obscurity while it lasts

Looking at my books of 2022 so far doesn't yield a whole lot.  According to my goodreads profile, I've logged a total of 8 books for the year. One of them was a GRE prep guide that I deemed "crappy" after a perusal, so I'm throwing that one out. A whopping seven books so far for the year.

Of those - stats, here they come...

⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 3 books

⭐⭐⭐       - 3 books 

⭐⭐            - 1 book

So, no total wastes of time. I'm not one of those readers who hates not to finish a book. If it's not working for me, into the DNF pile it goes. Life is short. So there were possibly more than the seven books (and the one that was Plutoed), but some never made the stats.

The book I'm reading at the moment is The Plot, and I'm finding it pretty engaging.  But I won't do a proper book review because I'm only about 50% of the way through it.

The plot of The Plot involves a struggling novelist teaching at a small humdrum MFA program. One of his students is a bit of an arrogant jerk who claims to have a "sure thing" epic plot that he's working into a novel.  The jerk eventually shares his epic plot idea with the struggling teacher.

A few years later, the struggler realizes there's no book. After a bit of digging, he learns that the arrogant jerk unexpectedly died shortly after the MFA session ended. Dun Dun Duuuuuuuun

NaTUraLly, the struggler writes a novel based on the epic plot. Novel races to the top of best seller lists. Struggler struggles no more and becomes rich and famous. Even acquires a perfect wife.

BUT, in all this glory, some anonymous person starts sending emails and posting on social media about the author being a plagiarist, stealing, and not really writing the amazing book with the epic plot, etc. Someone out there knows that the author got his idea from arrogant dead guy.

So NOW what happens?! 

Welp, I dunno, because that's where I am in my reading. 

The author's team of publicist, editor, agent, etc. all rally to shut the accuser up. They tell the author that it's a sign of success to have people trolling him like that, and he's all, "Oh, okay. Heh", while inside his mind, he's all, "omigod omigod omigod..."

So there ya go. 

Some of the lackluster reviews I've read summarized that the book starts out really good then sort of falls off the trail. There is most certainly to be a big reveal, so we'll see how "big" it actually is. I have a feeling it'll have something to do with the perfect wife.

And apparently we do eventually learn the plot within the plot of The Plot. So, two novels in one?


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt: 
2. Book review!


John Holton said...

Sounds pretty interesting!

betty said...

I'm not sure this would hold my interest. But I agree with you, there are so many good books out there that if I can't get into one, I just do not finish it. I should probably keep a list of those I started and didn't finish to spare others from maybe getting sucked into reading them. My July review books will come out either Monday or Tuesday :) Surprisingly I read 7 books so far this month. I am 50% into a really good book so might be able to get it done this afternoon and tomorrow as it is a quiet weekend :)


Abby said...

John, it's an interesting plot. And then to throw another interesting plot within the main interesting plot is pretty creative.

Betty, you've read more in one month than I have all year! So many books, so many plots.

Jeanette said...

I have a file on my Goodreads account titled "Books I tried but couldn't finish" There are quite a few in there because like you, I don't waste a lot of time trying to read a book I can't get into. The Plot sounds interesting so it's going on my TO Read list.

Abby said...

Jeanette, I mean to make a to-read list. The ones I don't finish get dumped, no file :)

KatBouska said...

Well now I'm hooked! Maybe you need to follow up with a spoiler-filled review!