
Monday, August 1, 2022

in search of

"He's somebody you should get to know... It's worth it"

I've been following news coverage of the search for a missing young man in the Colorado wilderness. He's been missing for over two weeks now, so it doesn't look like there'll be a happy ending. He went out for a trail run and never came back. His car and phone have been found, but no sign of him.

Other than this blog, I don't really participate in social media. I have accounts on f4cebook, 1nstagram, P!nterest, R3ddit, but mostly just lurk. Never been a tweeter.

I have an app - Strava - I use for tracking running and bicycling. It sort of counts as social media too, and some use it for following, commenting, and giving likes or "kudos", but I just use it for tracking. Often with news stories like this for the missing person, I'll find the person on Strava, and such is the case here with Daniel Lamthach.

It's eerie to see such an active log that abruptly drops to nothing, knowing that teams are out searching for him. Seems he was in the area working as a volunteer for a mountain ultrarun, and he himself is an ultrarunner. He clearly has many friends who share his love of the mountains, and from his shown activity on Strava, he is certainly fit and experienced enough to handle the conditions. But that's not to say things can't go wrong. 

Monsoon season has kicked in here, and while we welcome the cooling rains, it's understandably hampered the search efforts. We had a true downpour here last Wednesday night into Thursday -causing some flooding and generally soaking everything.

I went for a run in the morning and had to go up and over this underpass

But at least it wasn't as crazy as this other underpass a little further down the path.

Might have been okay with a kickboard.

But it was a nice welcome change to be out and about in the quiet drizzle of the morning. I appreciate the people out working to find Daniel and hope his family and friends have answers soon.


Jeanette said...

Oh my gosh I hope they find him too! I can't imagine what the family is going through not knowing what happened to him!

Abby said...

Jeanette, agreed. The not-knowing's got to be so difficult.

Linda Sue said...

my first thought was OH GAWD, His MOM!!! I would say that I can not imagine but I CAN imagine and it is so damned awful.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, my first though too. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh my gosh that is horrible.I don't hike but I often wonder why those that do, do not take their phone. Of all times to actually use the phone or need it for an emergency would be a good thing. But I do not hike so I do not know. Monsoon season means rain and slippery slopes. I hope he is just found wet and unharmed!

betty said...

Of course I hope they find him alive, but I just hope they find him. That would help with closure, as difficult as it could be. I just can't imagine being a family waiting for news, going searching, wondering, etc. Would this be an area that would have cell phone service? Weird that if it did why he didn't have his cell phone with him. Unless the phone was found on a trail?

Wow with the amount of "puddles" left over after your monsoons. I bet one has to be very careful with driving through some of them or perhaps streets are closed? Just be safe out there!


Abby said...

Peggy, the news reports said his phone was found on the trail, like he dropped it. Strange that they've found no other signs.

Betty, cell service is spotty where he was. But even though it's "wilderness", there is actually a fair amount of people in the area in the summertime. It's weird to me that no one has come across him in all this time if he's near a trail.