
Thursday, June 30, 2022

¡Sé positiva!

It happened. I could only dodge that bullet for so long, I suppose. I tested positive for covid crud this morning.

I still feel quite fine, thank you. But last night I developed a ticklish little cough, and this morning, all my food tastes like cardboard.  So I figured I'd do the home test. 

I opened up the test kit, and the instrucciones  were in Spanish, which was fine as I knew there must be instructions in English somewhere too.  

Nada. All Española.

I studied the outside of the box to see if I'd picked up a Spanish-speaking test by chance, but nope. All was in English. Then I thought that I could maybe kind of wing it, as I can get by with being able to read some Tarzan Spanish, plus there were pictures. How hard could it be?

Thinking better of it, I opened another of our kits of the same brand, and inside were two sets of instructions: one Spanish, one English. Aha, no winging required.  And definitely positive, no ambiguity.

So here I am, already feeling a bit stir crazy. I have the day off from work today and tomorrow, but I did work the past three days. I've worn a mask while at work ever since Magnum tested positive, and I sure hope that kept the coworkers safe from my cooties. Time will tell.

I have a hair appointment for later today and have been trying to get in touch with the salon to cancel, but no response. I went ahead and booked an appointment for late next week. Dang covid, doesn't this virus know how difficult it is to get a hair appointment?

Actually, I'm grateful that a hair appointment cancellation is pretty much my chief concern, and a far second to concern for my coworkers.

I did get out this morning for a socially distanced jaunt.  Fresh air and sunshine are good treatments, yes? Came across this guy sunning himself on a fence

He didn't seem to mind me stopping to snap his pic.  He also didn't offer me any fruit.


Linda Sue said...

Snake keeping socially distant, He may have had a apple in his pocket but will save it for the next gal that drops by to admire his splendor.
DANG- COVID Sorry it caught you, it had to be tricky to get you! You are a healthy speedy wonder so may be a very light case. Hope so.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, Thanks. So far, my case seems to be merely an inconvenience. I'll just deal with it like the snake who put up with me stopping and admiring.

John Holton said...

Take care of yourself!

Annsterw said...

Well I certainly hope you are one of the lucky ones with few symptoms. Hope you get over the illness quickly!! UGH - I am sooo over Covid!! That snake is amazing - they really are pretty awesome to be able to climb like that on a wire!! WOW

Abby said...

John, will do!

Annsterw, hey! hi! So far feels pretty mild, just annoying.
When I saw the snake, it made me wish I'd seen it get into that position. But it was already there all comfy when I arrived.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Social distancing with a snake is always a good thing. I just read an article about covid. It was about the whole long hauler stuff that doesn't appear fun. They did a test with 34 folks with and without being vaxxed who survived covid. 6 additional folks never had covid. They put them in an MRI and had them blow into something It then showed the damage or no damage to their lungs. It was mighty interesting to me. I know it's just a matter of time for all of us in America to get it. Everyone is feeling so loosely goosey that it is spreading again pretty darn fast. I am the only one I think who still wears a mask. I hear the comments but who cares. I'm just trying to keep it away while I"m on chemo and all these fun drugs.
I hope you feel better and this passes quickly for you. Working with the public or others can't be fun these days. You are the 2nd person this week I've heard the same story. Be well!!

Morgan Cartwright said...

Take care! I'm glad it didn't hit you too horribly!

betty said...

Wow, I don't think I ever saw a snake in such a position!! Of course I usually try to avoid them myself :)

Oh well with testing positive. It was bound to happen sooner than later; glad it doesn't seem to be affecting you too much with a lot of symptoms. Let's hope it stays like that!


Abby said...

Peggy, I think there are still plenty of unknowns with this virus. I wore a mask all this week and last week at work, and felt a bit self conscious about it. Silly, but I'm glad now that I wore it.

Abby said...

Morgan, thanks. So far, it doesn't seem to be getting any worse *knock-on-wood*

Betty, I figured eventually we'll all get it, might as well get it over with. I thought that snake was pretty smart the way he wove himself into a good sunning spot!

Larz said...

I hope you recover quickly! I tested positive this week as well. I guess we can only dodge for so long.

Abby said...

Larz, sorry it got you too! I felt like hot trash for a couple of days and nights, but much better now. Wishing a quick recovery for you.

Jeanette said...

Interesting to see a snake sunning himself like that!