
Sunday, January 16, 2022

under my skin

I'm thinking back to just prior to the winter break when I was looking forward to some down time to maybe spend more time in my sketchbooks, etc.  Well, I really didn't.  

But what I was really craving was some creative outlet as that's one thing rather lacking in my job.  There, I find myself somewhat hoping something goes "wrong", because then I need work on a solution and craft an incident report of some sort.  When things go smoothly, well, where's the fun?

But over the break, I did do a few little putzy projects around the house, prompted by us getting all new windows installed.  I changed my home office layout around a bit, and now I'm itching to paint.

Speaking of itching, I got that COVID booster on Thursday?  I started feeling kind of itchy yesterday.  This morning, these little friends showed up.  Yeah, they're hives.  

This is a patch on my lower inner thigh, but I had others on my abdomen and upper arms.  I left them alone, and they went away. 

Now, I'm not saying they are a result of my Pfizer booster.  Could just be coincidence.  I didn't experience hives from my first two hits.

Wolfgang got a Moderna booster several weeks ago, and he's been bothered by hives off and on ever since.  He learned that hives are pretty common with the Moderna shot.

So who knows?  I was out for a run this morning and started feeling itchy.  I noticed the hives when I de-clothed for a shower.  I will say that I have sometimes experienced itchiness and mild rash while running in cold weather before - for whatever weird reason.  Maybe the booster is an irrelevant coinky dink, despite it not being all that cold this morning.

Yesterday, the family got together for Chaco's recent birthday.  Had some šŸ”„Music City Hot ChickenšŸ”„, walked around Old Town, came back to the house and played a few rounds of "Pandemic - the Cure" board game.  

I'd never played Pandemic before, just lived in the real-life version.  

It's a good game = terrifying fun.  We managed to survive in one of those rounds.


betty said...

LOL with that board game! I had to google it to see what year it came out (2007). Who knew it was prophetic? Sounds like a fun game though and a nice birthday celebration for Chaco (happy belated birthday wishes).

Interesting with the hives. Wonder if you were sensitive to the additives that were in the booster or what was used to clean your skin before the shot was given? Only person I knew that got hives after taking a medicine was my son who had taken a sulfa antibiotic so now he is listed as allergic to sulfa :) Hopefully your hives will be a thing of the past so very soon!

Painting seems like a nice creative thing to do! Let us see the finished product if you do paint your office!


Abby said...

Betty, Pandemic is strangely fun and challenging. Players have to work together to decide the best actions to take while outbreaks are always threatening. A bit close to home these days!

Who knows with the hives. Reminds me of my reaction to latex.

Linda Sue said...

When I lived in Wyoming I would get hives getting out of bed in the morning- something about heat and not heat. I get hives when I run, I get hives in a cold pool- the doctor said to stop eating strawberries- ha, like i could find a strawberry in a Wyoming winter??? Anyway, Who knows. Glad you are boosted - It helps.
The urge to art is strong right now, just lacking inspiration. But YOU can just art any time , it is what you do.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, Ah - a case of the Wyoming cold/ hot strawberry hives! I've been hive-free for nearly 24 hours now. I think I'm good.
Yes, the urge to art. Such a nag!

Morgan Cartwright said...

Happy belated birthday to Chaco! Pandemic is a fun game! I got the Moderna booster in December and I got the typical sore arm and tiredness. My skin is just always itchy in the winter because it's so dry.

What kind of painting?

Abby said...

Morgan, it is itchy skin season. The painting I'm thinking of for now is for the walls of my office. Just need to decide on a color.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I used to get hives on a regular basis before I found out I had celiac. Then they went away as soon as I had to eat differently. They are a royal pain. I didn't have that from the booster thank goodness but I got terribly ill for 3 days. I think I'd have rather had hives. I hope it's nothing! Benadryl helps but I can't stay awake if i take it. :-)

Annsterw said...

That game is way to close to real life right now - not sure I would want to play it! HA

Abby said...

Peggy, hives are weird. There are so many causes, it's hard to pinpoint. Other than that, a sore arm, and jelly armpit for a couple of days, the booster was friendly to me.

Annster, yeah, watching rising infection rates in a board game is a bit triggering!