
Thursday, July 22, 2021

women with balls

Rather large balls at that.

I was out enjoying a nice run in the early morning coolness - not to be confused with the midday heat from hell.  A figure appeared up ahead of me, jogging in my direction.  As we got nearer to each other, I saw she was a stocky woman in workout shorts, tank top, and braces on both knees.  

She was carrying a large hefty ball on her right shoulder.  It looked like the medicine balls at the gym, only bigger.  I'd guess it was about a foot and a half in diameter and probably about the weight of a toddler.  Her face was strained, sweaty, and determined as our paths crossed.  

Hmm, okay.  Don't see that every day, but she was putting in some work.  I wondered if maybe she was training for a firefighter test or something similar?  As I continued up the street, I noticed another balled woman headed in my direction.  Similar carry form as the first, similarly sweaty and strained, but not moving quite as fast or determined. 

Not far behind her was yet another woman-with-big-ball.  This one was walking and carrying her ball closer to her body, like a bag of groceries, with two hands.  Two more walkers employing the grocery carry method trailed behind for a total of five such women within about a half-mile.  I concluded they were an early morning HIIT class at the nearby gym.

I was left feeling a bit wimpy.  I mean, yes, I was out there frolicking about, yet carrying nothing, let alone a large heavy ball.  

I do have a rather annoying and conspicuous "war wound", however.  My annual summertime war with the bug world is in full swing, leaving me with a collection of welts.  This one on my face.  See it?

In the insect world, most males don't have stinging capability, so my itchy blemishes are most likely from females.  

Those bitches.

But maybe the face welt gives me credibility among the women with balls?

Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:
1. Write about something that surprised you


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I would have asked about the balls. I would have had to. I am a nosey little shit.
I have had those bites on my face before. If you don't wish to be bitten, stand next to me. They love me. This morning on the Today show they said it was type O blood they love the most. Lucky me. Each thing they said they liked about certain people I am all of them. My husband says he doesn't need bug spray if he is with me.

Abby said...

Peggy, I thought about asking about the balls, but in general, the women looked rather annoyed with them, so I just carried on my way.

Type O? Universal donor, right? Magnum says the same thing about me and no need for bug spray. I guess we're "lucky" that way.

Linda Sue said...

bugs are not dumb- you are the tastiest dish on the block.
Women training to be African water carriers? Weird/ They should carry something meaningful, like toting groceries for the infirm or hardware to the old guy in his garage who can't be bothered. That expenditure of energy could be useful - maybe they are training for delivery.

BootsandBraids said...

You're probably right about the high intensity training balls. When I started out at the Pain Cave, I could barely work with the small balls, but now I'm doing quite well with that big ball. If you'd like to see, I posted some of my workouts here I can lift, I can do a rainbow over my head from side to side with it, but insofar as running down the street, like the women you saw, I'd be the one in the back walking with it. LOL.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, I'll go with your smart bug theory :)
It does seem that a lot of "working out" is pointless. For instance, I ran from my house to... my house.

BandB, good job with the big balls! I do wonder about running with a big ball on the shoulder. Seems like a back (or other) injury waiting to happen.

betty said...

I don't think I could do that workout with the balls. Even in my youth, lol. I probably wouldn't have wanted to do it :) But good for them for trying to get into shape or keeping in shape!

Ouch with your bite! Looks painful!! I'm immune to bites for some odd reason but my DIL has a terrible time with mosquitoes liking her a bit too much.


Abby said...

betty, you're immune to the bug bites? I'm happy for you!