
Sunday, March 14, 2021

let it... no

"Nothing's really happening, maybe the predictions were wrong"


That's what we said yesterday afternoon while continuing to brace for the epic snowstorm.  It finally started to spit some snowflakes around 11am, but  nothing appreciable and nothing was sticking.  Around 9pm last night, we shoveled a few inches of wet snow from the driveway and back deck.  No biggie.  

This morning, however... We've got a good 2 feet out there.  And it's still snowing.

I think I shoveled a ton of snow, and that's not an exaggeration.  And I only got half the driveway in the process.  It's really just to get a foothold because even if the whole driveway is clear, we can't get anywhere by car after that.

I took the dogs out first thing because dogs gotta go out.  Long-legged Merlin managed to frolic about, but poor Penny.  She was literally adrift.  I have since shoveled a suitable bathroom section.

I was at work yesterday when things barely began to happen.  Thankfully, I'm off today, but I did have a text from a coworker when I woke up this morning.  She asked if I could come in because "Diana and Mia got stuck in the snow on their way in".

I told her I couldn't drive out of my neighborhood but could probably walk, assuming the main roads were somewhat clean.

She texted back saying it was all good.  Diana managed to make it in.

What about Mia?

I'll just leave them to it.


Linda Sue said...

I have been watching that storm since Friday- it is a doozy and a bit of a freak. Enjoy the snow- it is supposed to be gone tomorrow. Back to 60 degrees!

Brian said...

Ouch! Ain't nobody prepared for 2+ feet of snow - even those of us in the so called "snow belt". Take your time & be safe. It'll melt eventually!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm moving, I won't need my snowblower...would you like it?😝 man a spring storm is the worst. Been there, don't wish to do it again, hence, the snowblower going up for sale.

Abby said...

Linda Sue, sun's shining... sort of.

Brian, we did take our time with the shoveling because, what else we got to do?

Peggy, it seemed a bit "magical". For about a minute. Happy moving!