
Thursday, February 6, 2020

fashion fail?

I walked into the place, thinking I could just leave my jacket on and maybe no one would notice.  But, it was so hot in there!

Okay, screw it, I took the jacket off.  Who would care?

I didn't bring it up.  She didn't bring it up.  Did she notice?  I think she noticed.  

She reminded me that I should've been there last week.  It wasn't a reprimand.  I explained that I knew, but had a last minute thing.  Was it a reprimand?  She's usually so friendly...

I've mentioned that I get injections for my allergies.  Since we moved, the old clinic shipped my shot juice to the new clinic, and all is good. I go every couple of weeks, and the new clinic is very nice and friendly.  Yay, everyone is happy.

It also happens that the new clinic is located within a large medical complex affiliated with a specific hospital.  It also happens that I started a new job working for a competing hospital just down the road from the medical complex where I get my allergy shots.

Well, how convenient, I'll just stop in on my way  home from work to get my shots.  I planned on doing that last Friday, but alas, I had a flat tire that became the priority.  No biggie, I decided to get injected after work yesterday.

Except, I forgot to bring a change of shirt. 

See, I wear a uniform top at the new job.  Nothing flashy, but it does have the logo and name of the hospital embroidered near the left lapel, hence, me bringing a change of shirt on shot days...

... which I forgot to do yesterday.  But I still wanted to stop in for my shots, so I did, feeling a bit like that Chick-fil-A van in the Popeye's drive thru.

Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:
2. Tell us about a recent mistake you made.


John Holton said...

I'll bet there are more than a couple of people in the same position. They're probably used to it, and who knows? Maybe there are people from that hospital that get their treatments at yours. That can actually work out for the best: You might be able to recruit people to your hospital (and pick up the recruiting fees), or they might tell you about jobs there, in case you had a notion to find a new job...

KatBouska said...

I shouldn't be enjoying this so much. Did she notice!? Your cover is blown. You might as well wear the uniform proudly now! ;)

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Abby I am certain she noticed but it could have just been a "shirt". Like I wear a shirt with a company name on it but it's not my company. Does your top look like a uniform? Oh well they didn't kill you for it so I think you'll be fine. Unless they put something extra in that shot. :-)

Chatty Crone said...

I know how you must feel - but don't let it get to you! Take care of you!

Madamdreamweaver said...

I'd probably have worried about that too, but at the same time, I doubt they actually were that concerned. She was clearly more concerned for your well being and getting your allergy shots on schedule.

noexcuses said...

Good for you...for just going with it. It couldn't be helped. Your well-being is what is important. If you're good, then your world is good! I love your Shakespeare quote! I can relate. Great post!

Paula Kiger said...

Ha ha ha ha ha good for you! Love your story.