
Thursday, February 21, 2019

who are you?

Last weekend, Magnum and I watched the movie "Split".  For those unfamiliar with it, it involves a character with multiple personalities.  It's interesting and creepy.  I liked it, but on a side note, I have quite the celebrity crush on James McAvoy and will watch just about anything he's in.

Anyways, the story involves the multi-personalitied guy's benevolent therapist.  She begins receiving urgent emails from one of the personalities, Barry, wanting to set up extra therapy appointments.  Therapist sets up the appointments, but each time Barry arrives, he says something flippant like, "Oh, I dunno, I just had a weird moment, but all's good now.  See you next week at our regular time..."

This happens several times, and eventually the kindly therapist realizes that there IS something up and that it's not Barry that's coming to the appointments, but rather, it's the devious Dennis impersonating personality Barry and saying everything's hunky doory!  All the while, poor Barry is in there sending her these urgent emails! (Follow?)

So it was entertaining in a thriller kind of way.  But I mention it here because... dun dun duuuuuuun...
I swear it's happening to me! HELP

Several weeks ago, a mom contacted me about tutoring her daughter.  I've since met with the daughter four or five times - it's all kind of a blur - and EVERY time I meet with her, EVERYTHING'S FINE!

She doesn't have any questions about anything.  She doesn't even bring class materials with her. She's personable enough and wants to talk about all kinds of things - most of which I'm not remotely interested in - that have nothing to do with her class. And I'm all, "then why the f...".

I've told them that she's not at all obligated to meet with me every week, just call or text when there's something she needs extra help with, and we'll schedule it, etc.  So I get a call or a text from Mom, I show up, and NOTHING!

This happened again yesterday, and I'm so ready to just be done with these people.  I think Mom thinks daughter needs lots of help, daughter doesn't think she needs much help, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  They probably fight over this the way moms and teenage daughters sometimes do, so I hear.

Or MAYbe...

... it's really just one person.

Mom personality texts me, and daughter personality takes over and shows up for the appointment to assure me that everything is fine, and can we just talk about friends and weird teachers and what she did over the weekend?

Come to think of it, the fist time I met with Daughter, Mom said she would come along to meet me.  But she ended up not coming to that or any other appointment.  I've never spoken to her in person or seen the two of them together *GASP!*

Or, have I??

Things did not end well for the kindly therapist.  Just sayin'...


Linking up this week with Mama Kat for the prompt:
3. Write a blog post inspired by the word: challenge


John Holton said...

Wow, that's a new one on me. I hope that either mother or daughter is paying you...

Annsterw said...

Wowsa! That's way too scary of a movie for me! I love that new show about Jane (she has DID - multiple parts) which used to be multiple personalities. It is very interesting but I don;t do scary! HA! Sounds like Mom may be a helicopter parent but as long as you are getting paid - score! Hope you story ends better then the therapist in your movie! HA!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Okay this is a scary one.
I have been watching on A & E The Many Sides of Jane.
It follows this 28 yrs old with DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder.
She had a very traumatic incident of abuse. She will not go into it and I respect that.
They believe this was her coping mechanism.
Each of her personalities are so very different. And we see her in therapy and when she changes to another, her face is different as well. It's fascinating to me. But I also feel for this young woman so much. The pain you see is heartbreaking. When she is just herself, Jane, she is pretty and smart and kind with a big heart
My heart ached for this sweet woman as I watched.
I thought it was just schizophrenia but after watching this I have learned they are two very different things.
But now to your story, right away I thought you may be on to something about who is writing and is it the same person? Or did I go automatically go there because I just finished watching this series? If not could the daughter just be screwing with you and you have never talked to her mom? Either way, be careful.

Abby said...

John, yeah she's paying... er... someone in there is. But it's silly. We don't even talk about the subject I'm supposedly tutoring her for :/

Ann, too scary? But it's James McAvoy :)
Honestly, though, I don't want to get paid for such non-productive time. I'm not even charging her for yesterday because I left after about 15 minutes and told Daughter to text me if she thought of something.

Margaret, well this is timely - just like my watching "Split". We don't have A&E, and I've not seen The Many Sides of Jane. I googled, though, because I also find the subject fascinating. Apparently, some personalities have medical conditions that the others don't, for example.
In my case, I'm pretty sure there is a mom and there is a daughter. I'm just not sure of the dynamic between the two.

Morgan Cartwright said...

I started watching the Many Sides of Jane last night! I didn't realize how many other people were watching it.

The daughter/mother tutor combo. Eck! That is a weird story and sounds eerily similar to the movie. Is there a follow up movie to Split?

LL Cool Joe said...

I saw that film and thought it was excellent and a bit creepy. The daughter/mother thing sounds very strange too. I would only meet her in a public place like a library, or cafe.

Abby said...

Morgan, "Glass" is the follow-up to "Split". I saw trailers for Glass and thought it looked interesting, then I learned it was a sequel, so wanted to see Split first.
This tutee has a strong personality. I can see her being dominant over her mother. It's hard to say, though, since I've only emailed and texted with the mom.

Joey, I really liked the movie too. It was creepy, but not jumpy-creepy, just creepy.
I meet the girl at a building at a crowded college, oh you betcha!

Kim (The ReInVintaged Life) said...

I've seen that movie and LOVED it! I can't wait to see Glass now.

I agree, your tutoring situation is quite strange with those people. But how interesting!

Just stopping by via Mama Kat's.


Abby said...

Hi Kim, it is strange and a little interesting. As I've gotten to know the daughter better, I'm going to ask her what's going on and see if I get any answers - since we usually don't have much else to do!

ShadowRun300 said...

I find the topic of multiple personalities interesting, but I wouldn’t be able to watch the movie Split. Too creepy for me. I would, however, like to learn more about your mother-daughter tutee situation. Keep us updated on your findings!

KatBouska said... the mom drunk??