Oh well, good enough, which brings me to today's topic. I recently read a short article encouraging the art of doing things poorly. The article was aimed at perfectionists or those with perfectionist tendencies.
I wouldn't say I'm a perfectionist. No, I can think of examples where I've been perfectly happy with my own mediocrity.
Really, the gist of the article was to encourage at least doing something because something is better than nothing. Perfectionists (apparently) typically take an all-or-nothing approach to activities, so if there's risk of failure, they won't even begin.
The article did not necessarily encourage this behavior where safety, etc. is concerned. It was more about not getting down on ourselves for not feeling up to doing something we know we should do.
- Said you'd get up and run 5 miles but don't feel like it? Go out and run or walk one mile. Or one block.
- Planned to declutter and organize your desk, but all those papers - ugh! Clean out one drawer.
- Intended to cook a balanced, tasty meal but not feeling like shopping, etc? Throw a chicken in the crock pot and call it good.
- And so on.
Monday, I went back to the gym since I lost that fight with the ground a couple weeks ago. My shoulder and rib are much better, but not quite 100%. I went to the gym and did a few things poorly, and it felt good.
Today, I will do other things. I will do at least some of them poorly. And I don't need to do much for dinner because there are leftovers from that chicken I threw in the crock pot earlier.
Putting anything off because the task seems too daunting?
What's one thing you can do poorly today?
I needed to hear this today Abby.
Thx :-)
Glad you got back to the gym but take it easy on your injury...that drawing is amazing!! I can see a princess sitting behind those walls...oh to have the life of a princess! Annster's Domain
Margaret, you go, girl! Poorly!
Ann, I'm taking it easy, but am quite happy with the healing. Nothing like a smack on the ground to help us appreciate our health!
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