
Thursday, April 12, 2018

finally almost

She lay there on her back, arms out, taking it all in.  The cheers and applause covering her after another captivating performance.  The season had finally come to a successful celebratory close.


was she okay?  Could she breathe?  Why did she continue to just lay there?  For so long?

No one else seemed particularly concerned.  The other performers happily frolicked away.  The next group to perform headed to their spots, stepping over her.  And yet, she remained, sprawled on her back.

My friend Michelle, whom I'd been talking with in the bleachers was also wondering.  Eventually Michelle stood up, "Is she...?"

We both know the girl from our volunteer shenanigans.  We both know the girl has asthma and maybe other difficulties.  The first time I'd witnessed her struggle was back in elementary school, the Run With Lumber days.  Then again while running the Mom Tent at band camp.  It's a thing she does:  collapses.

Now she's an elegant member of the Winter Guard.  Winter Guard is another winter activity for the marching band kids who can't get enough - same group that runs Winter Percussion.  Winter Guard is indoor flag and rifle, etc. competition.

So last night, the Guard and Percussion groups had their season end performance finale for the friends and parents.  The Guard performed first with their show that won the bronze at state championships last weekend.  It was good and creative.  Spidery.

Next, the Percussion did their thing, but they're not actually finished yet.  Their state competition is coming up this weekend.  So it was actually more of a congratulations-to-the-guard-and-good-luck-to-percussion excuse for a potluck.

Right about the time I was getting genuinely concerned for the girl on the floor and Michelle stood up to investigate further, one of the girl's friends finally went over and helped her up.  They hobbled off together, the friend holding  GOF's (girl on the floor's) hair - just in case.

I was glad to see that GOF eventually came around, seemingly recovered.  I still thought it quite strange that most everyone just left her laying there for so long.  Is it because this is "typical"?  Just leave her there, she'll eventually come 'round?

Well, with that, the percussion group set up their show and did their thing.  It was entertaining as always, then we snapped some pics and ate some potluck.  No 9-1-1 "invite"

Linking up with Mama Kat this week for the prompt:
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: finally.


LL Cool Joe said...

I'm glad she was okay. My partner is asthmatic, so I know how scary that can be. Did she use her inhaler?

Jimmy said...

I am surprised she lay there for so long seemingly unnoticed, maybe everyone is just so used to it but still...

Abby said...

I didn't see her use her inhaler, so I'm not sure if it was asthma or exhaustion and nerves or what. Even though it happens and is almost expected from some of the kids, it still kinda freaks me out!

Abby said...

Yeah, that's what I was thinking - that they're just used to it? Some of the kids actually stepped over her to get across the gym and just kept on a-walkin'.

ShadowRun300 said...

I’m with you. Even if it does happen all the time, I’m pretty sure I would be checking on her. Or at least protecting her from people who might step on or trip over her. Poor thing. ;(

Abby said...

We were wondering, should we check? Well no one else is, so maybe she just does that at the end? And people just walk around and over her? Kids...

Tee said...

I honestly thought this was shaping up to be a fictional tale. Hard to believe so many would just leave her laying there. Could be for all the reasons you've described in the previous comments. Or maybe this world is just so fast paced that people fail to notice the obvious anymore.

Paula Kiger said...

I would have had the same question! Mom instincts engage!

Abby said...

I've noticed that kids seem different these days. If a person collapsed like that when I was in high school, I like to think that there'd be more rushing to her aid. Then again, there seem to be more collapses in general, so maybe it's just another day?

Abby said...

Total Mom instincts!

KatBouska said...

The next group stepped over her...they're like "Oh Sara get up already." Naturally the moms are ready to spring to action and thank goodness for that.

Abby said...

It's what separates the moms from the kids!