
Sunday, September 1, 2024

bike theft, AI shoes, free aura reading

Happy September! I'm sort of looking forward to the first frost while bracing for the big freeze. Magnum and I enjoyed a pleasant bike ride this morning. Gotta get while the gettin's good. And it was a nice week all around. Recap?

  • Speaking of bicycles, Wolfgang got a new sweet commuter and came over our house to assemble it. This was the result of his previous commuter getting STOLEN! Yes, STOLEN

Bicycle theft is sadly a very common occurrence around here. Well, there are a lot of bikes here in our bike friendly city, so there'll be a lot of stolen ones just by sheer numbers. It was a decent bicycle that he'd bought used over 6 years ago. So, while it's violating to have it stolen, it wasn't as big a loss as it could've been.

Now he's got a new bicycle, that we witnessed being born, with a brand new hefty lock.

  • Those running shoes Strava told me to go and get? I asked Chatgpt for recommendations based on some preferences, took the first recommendation, and found them on big time clearance because there's now a newer version. Cha-ching! We'll see if I like the shoes, I ordered them online.
  • Speaking of buying things online, yesterday, I purchased an item from Best Buy online for in-store pickup. I went to the store in the afternoon to pick up my purchase and was greeted by a pick-up counter person - a nondescript woman in her royal blue Best Buy polo, black pants.

She scanned my barcode and said, "You have a lovely purple aura".

For a split second, my brain thought, "No, I have a small black Wacom tablet", but then I realized she wasn't talking shop with the purple aura comment.

"Oh...erm... yeah?", I responded, clueless as to anything else to say.

She went on to describe this lovely purple aura and how I am in tune with my authenic spiritual self or something like that.  

Well, okay, thank you? Then she retrieved my small black Wacom tablet after correctly checking my ID (unlike our postal employee from last week).

We had a short, pleasant exchange. I left feeling rather uplifted while wondering if she's full of sh*t and says stuff like that to everyone. Or maybe she was in the throes of a debilitating migraine, or on drugs...

But hey, it got me out of a material stupor for a moment, so a positive encounter.

So if you ever find yourself here in our town, I recommend having a good lock for your bicycle and visiting Steffie, the good witch of Best Buy.


Linda Sue said...

It is the season of the witch...I have been bumping into it this week like some sort of world wide psychic fair! A purple aura is probably a good thing- something royal, perhaps. She is right about the lovely part, because you are that!
Bikes are stolen here all the damn time- there is a gang of homeless dudes that have made it their business, stolen bikes disassembled repainted , no trace of the original. Locks do not prevent thievery- folks take their bikes inside .

Abby said...

Linda Sue, a world wide psychic fair - maybe!
Your bike thievery sounds much like here. Organized thugs taking them and making Fankenbikes from all of the parts. I keep mine inside.

Allstarme79 said...

LOL she sounds like a hoot

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

What an interesting encounter. Hope your new shoes are perfect

Abby said...

Allstarme79, I would totally hang out with her 😂

Peggy, not what I expected at the Best Buy pickup counter, but aura readers gotta pay the bills too.

John Holton said...

Remember back in the day when you used to be able to register your bicycle, and if the police found it or took it off another kid you had a chance of getting it back? Guess that's all gone by the wayside....

Abby said...

John, we can still register our bikes, but the organized thieves quickly dissasemble them 😒

Liz Hinds said...

So glad you have a lovely aura! I've complimented people on how nice they smell before but never on an aura.

Fresca said...

Hey, maybe that woman knew you from another lifetime! ❤️😆

Abby said...

Liz, hmmm, now I'm glad she didn't mention my smell?

Fresca, HA totally!

The Happy Whisk said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! On the purple. That is funny. No you have a tablet. So funny. Happy drawing. I love my tablet. Crazy fun.