
Friday, June 28, 2024

leave you up in the air

Wednesday was [bike-to-work day]. I've mentioned before how well attended the event is here. This year's was no different. 

Magnum and I headed out, not exactly biking to work as I had the morning off and he works from home. Oh well, free stuff to be had.

Honestly, I mainly enjoy the havoc - being among all the bicycles and various stations set up around town. As is typical, we had two main destinations - the university and downtown - two locations where several stations are clustered together. A pic of this year's loot:

There were food and beverages partaken of, but they didn't last long enough for the photo shoot.

Added bonus: we (nearly literally) ran into Wolfgang on our way to university as he was headed there as well from the opposite direction. We sipped local shop coffee and ate university police burritos together before Wolfgang had to head to a meeting. At least one of us was actually biking to work.

I enjoyed the informative downtown boothery, from which much of the pictured loot was looted. Utilities people had an informative display about an upcoming water project - a representative happily explaining what to expect in coming months. I left with a nicely stocked first aid pack.

The health district also had nice information on display as I never truly knew what all they did. More freebie swag from them including yet more band-aids, lip balms and little hand sanitizers. What most caught my eye, however, were the free Narcan kits. 

I declined the Narcan, hopefully accurately figuring I wouldn't have a need.

And many many more stations - too many to list. Lots of people-watching to be had, including people in both cars and on bicycles that actually just wanted to get someplace despite the the clog of bicycles *razum frazum bike-to-work day*

I spun a wheel in hopes of getting a t-shirt from the Museum of Discovery. Got a sticker instead. 

Oh well, maybe next year.


Danielle L Zecher said...

It sounds like a fun event. Too bad you didn't win a shirt.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Narcan, that is interesting but if it is needed I guess it's a good thing. I can truly say I've never see that at any type of event I've gone to. Sorry you got a sticker instead of a shirt. I'd want the shirt too. :-)

Chatty Crone said...

That was awesome to ride your bike to work - wish you got a T-shirt.

Linda Sue said...

They expect you to wear the sticker instead of the t-shirt? Bold!

Abby said...

Danielle, it is a fun event. A t-shirt would've been gravy.

Peggy, I was a bit surprised to see the Narcan too - amidst all the wholesomeness that is typically bike-to-work day. I learned that the kits are free, but a lot of people don't know where to get them. Now I know of one place.

Abby said...

Chatty, I usually ride my bike to work anyway - short, flat commute. A recognized day of swag is nice, though.

Linda Sue, HA! At least hand out two stickers apiece?

Abby said...

Ash, never too late to learn!
The spinwheel was weighted more highly in favor of a sticker over a t-shirt, but the person just before me did get a shirt. I need to work on my spin :P

Liz Hinds said...

Sounds fun. as a late learner and then giver-up cyclist I admire you very much.

Abby said...

Liz, Aw, well, this town is very bicycle friendly. Much easier than lots of other places.