
Friday, May 24, 2024

putridity weekend?

 Greetings on what is the start of a long weekend for many. I typically have Fridays off anyways, so it's a 4-dayer for me. 

My high school boyfriend's father was killed in the Vietnam war, and I remember the first time I saw his grave. The headstone is of a military standard and includes a photo. I noticed right away how much he looked like my then boyfriend, which was a bit surprising, because until then, I thought boyfriend looked a lot like his mother. And he looked so young in that photo. He was only 25 when he died, so not much older than my boyfriend was at the time. 

I recall that [last year], I was out for a run and came across the Field of Heroes flag display and travelling Vietnam Wall. I believe it's at the same location this weekend. Just a couple of reminders that Memorial Day weekend isn't about days off from work and sales at Amazon.

As it happens, I did go for a lovely spring morning run today. I didn't go by the memorial display, but I did come across these creatures:

I probably interrupted their early morning gossip and yoga as they seemed to just want to leave after I showed up.

No big getaways planned for the weekend. Just as well because our dog, Merlin, is on the fritz. Dealing with some gastrointestinal upset, if you get my drift. We're thinking maybe he got into something he shouldn't have. He's on white rice today, and hopefully on the mend.

So no getaway planned, HOWEVER, we are hoping to witness a momentous local event. The university owns a [corpse flower named Cosmo that is signalling that it is about to bloom]! If it does, it will absolutely reek of putrid rotting flesh!

Oh, the anticipation! I must go there!

I just checked the [livestream], and Cosmo has grown considerably in the last few days. It's almost NSFW. As a local redditor put it, "it looks like my dog when he's happy to see me".

We are warned that, because of their unpredictability, there is a slim chance that it may not happen. I think that makes it all the more fun.

Schrödinger's plant?


John Holton said...

Hey, I'd be excited, too. It always appears to be a major event when one of those is ready to open. Have fun this weekend!

Abby said...

John, And apparently, there is to be a bumper crop of cicadas this year. How much fun can nature throw at us??

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I am unaware of a corpse flower named Cosmo. I need to google. But sadly Cicadas I am all too familiar with and they are gross and crackle under foot. Sometimes you can't avoid them. Last time they were out it looked like it rained Cicadas on our patio. Gross as hell to me.

Abby said...

Peggy, we went to see Cosmo today - still unbloomed. He looks ready to pop any minute, though. Going to try again tomorrow.
This year's cicada crop, I learned, is the merging of two broods - they align every 221 years. Aren't we lucky?!